Π polarizability Meeting Aug 19, 2013

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Meeting Info.

Meeting Time

3:00pm EST


We will use ReadyTalk phone conferencing. Here are the instructions:

  1. dial the appropriate number
    • +1-866-740-1260 : US and Canada
    • 0800-6645316 : Germany
    • A complete list of toll-free international numbers can be found here.
  2. Enter the participant code: 3421244# (the # is needed when using the phone)

If there is a problem connecting via ReadyTalk, we'll use Skype as a backup. The relevant Skype user names are:

  • Rory Miskimen - rmiskimen
  • Alexander Mushkarenkov - alexander_mushkarenkov
  • Elton Smith - eltonssmith
  • David Lawrence - aehsdad

some phone numbers if needed:

David: (757) 269-5567 (cell: 757-746-6697) Rory: (413) 545-2480


  1. Previous meeting: Aug 15, 2013
  2. CPP Collaboration Meeting
  3. MWPC


Attendees: David L., Elton S., Rory M.

Ali Visitor Status

  • Rory spoke with Roy who confirmed paperwork has been sent to DOE
  • Timescale for approval is unknown
    • Roy was unsure what the chances are that it will be approved before end of Sept.
    • Elton noted that the paperwork did mention the workshop at end of Sept.
  • Roy had asked Rory about possible schedule for getting data for Ali
    • Refrigerator repair is starting but may not be done before 1 year from now
    • Commissioning and possibly experimental data expected in FY15
    • Electron beam in tagger is expected in April 2014, but looking less likely to get photons in hall
  • Elton mentioned that Roy asked about Ali not being on Rory's web page. Rory will update the page.

Collaboration meeting

  • Barbara Pasquini arrives at JLab the night of Wed. Sept. 25th and leaves Sat. 28th
  • Meeting day is now set for Friday Sept. 27th
  • Elton mentioned that questions came up over the use of "Collaboration Meeting"
    • agreed to start calling it a "workshop"
  • David will have staff services set up a registration page for the event and collect money for afternoon refreshments
  • We will sketch out a tentative agenda next week. Some names were discussed of possible speakers we may want to ask to give a talk. Rory will contact them privately to gauge interest.