Π polarizability Meeting Feb 24, 2021
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Meeting Time And Location
09:00 EST (JLab time) Weekly Meeting
REMOTE during Covid-19
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Action Items
Preliminary Agenda
- Previous CPP meeting: Feb 3, 2021
- Announcements
- Action Items
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- Data Analysis
- PID + AI
- Media:MWPC_issues.pdf ERR review of MWPC development
- Other business
- Next meeting
Attending: Elton, Andrew, Beni, David, Ilya, Mark, Miskimen, Kishan?
- Previous CPP meeting: Feb 3, 2021
- Announcements
- Elton: ERR Final Report has been received and posted to the ERR wiki page
- Action Items
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- Meeting Ilya, Mark and David
- Mark: All pieces to the simulation are in place but need testing. Elementary hit generation is also implemented. Mark, Ilya and Beni will start checking system, then coordinate with Richard
- Data Analysis (Andrew)
- Andrew showed an update on the asymmetry of e+/e- pairs. Previously it was shown that there are more events at about -100deg compared to +100deg.
- He checked in MC that no changes are seen if the photon beam is shifted. [There was some question if the analysis also moves with the beam position].
- He changed the position of the electron on the collimator by 1 mm. This does create an asymmetry but with a much smaller size than that seen in the data.
- Computing the asymmetry with 0deg and 90deg data sets removes most, if not all, of the asymmetry. It is likely the asymmetry is instrumental (detector acceptance?)
- PID + AI
- ERR review of MWPC development
- Rory reviewed major recommendations relative to the MWPCs: efficiencies and rates
- Prototype studies of small chamber guided decision to use Ar:CO2 90:10 mixture to decrease drift time
- Efficiency plateaus were conducted for the prototype chamber in 2017
- For pi/mu identification, need good calibration of the muon response in the MC.
- Rory proposes to install scintillators behind the muon detector in order to measure the efficiency in situ for the MWPC 5 and 6. For this measurement, the proposal is to install both MWPC 5 and 6 with vertical wires and a vertical scintillator to tag muons.
- Beni: Could install more than one scintillator. Suggests having the scintillator oriented the same as the wires and use the time difference from tubes at each end to determine position.
- Other business
- Next meeting