Π polarizability Meeting Jul 13, 2022
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09:30 EST (JLab time) Weekly Meeting
REMOTE during Covid-19
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Meeting ID: 160 862 8791
Passcode: CPP
Elton Smith is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting. Topic: CPP Weekly Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join ZoomGov Meeting https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608628791?pwd=bXhtZjdNRi8xeXZqWFh5T1R3TDBFdz09 Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Passcode: CPP One tap mobile +16692545252,,1608628791# US (San Jose) +16468287666,,1608628791# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose) +1 646 828 7666 US (New York) +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose) +1 551 285 1373 US 833 568 8864 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Find your local number: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/u/acZK7hDWFf Join by SIP 1608628791@sip.zoomgov.com Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Passcode: 112160
Action Items
- Take a current rate scan on full target later in the run to investigate any rate dependent effects. (Rory and Elton)
Work with Sasha to include the inner FCAL rings into the FCAL/BCAL trigger and check the effect on rates (Ilya)Task is complete. Further checking of new files should continue. -
Work with Mark Dalton to equalize FCAL responseMark uploaded new voltages. Ilya continues to see anomalies, which he will work with Mark. -
Look at data for eta -> 3 pi0 (Simon)No luck so far. Beni had more luck but with more data. -
Continue to analyze data for various channels, especially neutrals (Alex). Simon: Is the f2(1270)?Work in progress.
Preliminary Agenda
- Previous CPP meeting: Jul 6, 2022
- Previous CPP Software meeting: Π polarizability Software Meeting May 5, 2022
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Spread Sheet with Run List (Albert)
- Software/Calibration, Simulations
- Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
- DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
- CPP-NPP Trigger
- Current Run
- CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
- Documentation
- Other business
- Next meeting
Attending: Albert, Alex, Andrew, Beni, David H., Elton, Ilya, Rory, Simon
- Previous CPP meeting: Jul 6, 2022
- Previous CPP Software meeting: Π polarizability Software Meeting May 5, 2022
- Announcements
- A request from the experiment has been submitted to Thia Kepple (copies to Dough Higinbotham and Eugene Chudakov) to change the end of the CPP-NPP running from July 27 to August 17.
- Action Items
- Spread Sheet with Run List (Albert)
- Albert has been comparing the trigger counts in the Spreadsheet with the numbers obtained using a python script to get counts from RCDB.
- RCDB counts are about 20% lower. He found that the main reason for the discrepancy was a current=0 entries for some RCDB runs. Alex suggested that he use the beam_on_current variable instead and this already brought the numbers closer together.
- Albert will continue comparing the lists with the goal of determining a "good runs list."
- Albert will also compile a list of "Full Pb" runs and "Empty" runs so that Sean can add them to the RCDB data base. [There is no automatic update of the database with this information.]
- Software/Calibration, Simulations
- Beni showed the preliminary analysis of exclusive pi0 and exclusive 2pi0 events.
- The results were for about 2-3 runs near Run 100963.
- Several plots were shown and he will make an entry at an appropriate time.
- Overall this shows that we can see pi0's in the data, although there is a relatively high accidental background.
- There was much discussion, comments and suggestions offered.
- Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
- Log Entry 4014793
- Hovanes had noted that the phi asymmetry for rho production seemed to have an offset relative to previous diamonds.
- A special run was taken with the previously used diamond to check consistency.
- It was found that the new plugin had some bugs which are now fixed. The new JD70-103 diamond was aligned consistent with previous diamonds.
- DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
- Sergey updated the DAQ to run in "high-intensity" mode (using two output streams) and this seems to have stabilized our livetime.
- CPP-NPP Trigger
- Log Entry 4014639
- Sasha changed the trigger to include all FCAL blocks except for the single innermost layer.
- The TOF Hit>3 prescaled trigger was removed.
- Current Run
- FMWPC Log Book
- halldweb/talks/CPP_NPP
- We decided to switch to Empty target, taking data at 30 nA (production current) till tomorrow morning when the accelerator will go down for maintenance.
- The data sequence will be Configuration: [45,45,135,135,Empty], Triggers Collected [120M,120M,120M,120M,30M]
- CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
- Documentation
- Other business
- Next meeting