Π polarizability Meeting Jun. 14, 2012
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Time
14:15pm EST (ad hoc)
We meet via Skype. The relevant Skype user names are:
- Rory Miskimen - rmiskimen
- Alexander Mushkarenkov - alexander_mushkarenkov
- Elton Smith - eltonssmith
- David Lawrence - aehsdad
Attendees: Rory M., David L., Sasha M.
This was an ad hoc meeting to discuss specific goals for Sasha's trip to
Newport News.
Primary goals of the visit:
- Run Hall-D Simulation and Reconstruction software
- Understand limitations in efficiency/acceptance
- Verify that tracking works for the upstream target positions
A secondary goal is to start investigating hadronic and EM backgrounds.
We will have another meeting on Skype on Tues, June 19th at 14:00 EST.