Π polarizability Meeting May 12, 2021
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Time And Location
09:00 EST (JLab time) Weekly Meeting
REMOTE during Covid-19
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- Meeting ID: 949 429 419
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Action Items
Preliminary Agenda
- Previous CPP meeting: May 5, 2021
- Announcements
- Action Items
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- Responses to the ERR. This link points to the draft response to the ERR.
- ERR Committee submitted comments to our response.
- hdgeant4 simulation
- Shipping of MWPCs
- GlueX Data Analysis
- CPP Software
- PID + AI
- Other business
- Next meeting
Attending: Albert, Beni, David, Mark, Rory, Elton, Ilya, Simon
- Previous CPP meeting: May 5, 2021
- Announcements
- Action Items
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- Responses to the ERR. This link points to the draft response to the ERR.
- ERR Committee submitted comments to our response. (See ERR wiki page). The concerns included
- MWPC efficiency and impact on physics. We had quite a bit on discussion on this topic
- David: Chambers are not primarily for tracking as for identification of hadronic showers vs single tracks
- Slides from Rory
- Rory: Events are collected using the TOF trigger. Within the sample events collected are pions and muons. The MWPCs are used as a handle to classify these events
- Rory showed some slides nicely illustrating this point.
- Mark: Use of MWPCs is for identifying muon background and also for normalization
- Mark: Could also use the distinct angular distribution of muon production to separate out (statistically) any residual mis-identified muons from the pion sample.
- Check on status of the schedule we submitted.
- Elton produced added a status to the schedule we submitted showing that we are on schedule. Mark suggested some changes to the text to clarify progress.
- CPP-NPP Schedule Status 5/11/2021. The following two references show that the new hdgeant4 simulation is operational and working: Posted to the ERR wiki
- Log Entry 3876633 Histogram of muon hits from hdgeant4 simulation.
- Tracking / extrapolation to MWPCs Preliminary studies of extrapolation of FDC tracks to MWPCs
- MWPC efficiency and impact on physics. We had quite a bit on discussion on this topic
- hdgeant4 simulation
- Elton, with Mark and Beni's help, has been able to generate samples of muons in the target and illuminating the MWPCs.
- We can improve a) drift time b) pulse height distribution c) deadened region. The most important for simulations is the deadened region, as we do not have specific uses for time/pulse height
- Simon "volunteered" to implement the deadened region around the beam (10 x 10 cm2).
- Shipping of MWPCs
- Rory has checked his calendar and driving the first set of 4 chambers down to JLab is proposed for the week of June 7.
- He plans to drive the MWPCs down to JLab and fly back. Unloading will require Hall D technical staff. That will give us time for setup for testing.
- OSP for testing: Beni will continue to work on the OSP concentrating on the testing on the EEL only. Other activities associated with the MWPCs will be covered under an umbrella entry in HDList.
- GlueX Data Analysis
- CPP Software
- PID + AI
- Other business
- Next meeting