Π polarizability Meeting Oct 17, 2013
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Info.
Meeting Time And Location
9:00am EST
CEBAF Center F326
We will use ReadyTalk phone conferencing. Here are the instructions:
- dial the appropriate number
- +1-866-740-1260 : US and Canada
- 0800-6645316 : Germany
- A complete list of toll-free international numbers can be found here.
- Enter the participant code: 3421244# (the # is needed when using the phone)
If there is a problem connecting via ReadyTalk, we'll use Skype as a backup. The relevant Skype user names are:
- Rory Miskimen - rmiskimen
- Alexander Mushkarenkov - alexander_mushkarenkov
- Elton Smith - eltonssmith
- David Lawrence - aehsdad
some phone numbers if needed:
David: (757) 269-5567 (cell: 757-746-6697) Rory: (413) 545-2480
- Previous meeting: Sep 5, 2013
- Simulation strategy
- DNP2013 File:20131017 cpp dnp.pdf (David)
Attendees: Rory M., David L., Elton S.
Proposed session at APS spring meeting
Rory has a few ideas on who could be invited that would fit within the rules (no two from same institution, not presented in last 2 years). Volker will present proposal at DNP next week.
Muon System
- Megan and Ali have started some preliminary work at UMass
- Rory anticipates prototyping some designs over the next few months
- Will work through design on paper first
- Ali is working full time
- Megan is busy with classes so has less time
- Next step after preliminary designs is look for cost estimates
- Elton has spoken with Tim Whitlatch about having his Governor's school student (Bobby Smythe) look at mechanical support for the muon detector
- May have it done by middle of Spring
- Cost estimate should be included
Simulation Strategy
- GEANT4 not ready yet (Richard is working on it)
- Estimated middle of November(?)
- Anticipated 1 year shakedown
- Can start work now on defining geometry and data model
Analysis Package
- Elton may start looking at implementing CPP reaction in AmpTools
DNP Slides
- First draft of slides will be made available soon
- Need to include more on g-2 emphasizing numbers from MRM