Π polarizability Software Meeting Apr 21, 2022
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Meeting Time And Location
12:30 EST (JLab time) Thursdays Weekly Meeting
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Meeting ID: 161 317 7947
Passcode: 287835
David Lawrence is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting. Topic: CPP Software Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join ZoomGov Meeting https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1613177947?pwd=MUtiRnZjWnF4SzFjL0NwRW83NC9uZz09 Meeting ID: 161 317 7947 Passcode: 287835 One tap mobile +16692545252,,1608628791# US (San Jose) +16468287666,,1608628791# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose) +1 646 828 7666 US (New York) +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose) +1 551 285 1373 US 833 568 8864 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 161 317 7947 Find your local number: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/u/acZK7hDWFf Join by SIP 1608628791@sip.zoomgov.com Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Passcode: 112160
- Previous Meeting
- Pending Pull Requests and Reviews (CPP branch)
- Geometry and Simulation
- FMWPC Library
- DCPPEpEm - Kinematic Fit values
- DFMWPCHit - Calibrated hits
- DFMWPCCluster - Clusters in individual FMWPC chambers
- DFMWPCMatchedTrack - Tracking info with matching data objects in downstream detectors
- PID:
- e+e- PID
- input features
- FCAL Shower Energy/Kinfit Momentum
- FCAL E9/E25 Shower Ratio
- input features
- πμ classification
- e+e- PID
- Event viewer
- Monitoring
- FMWPC_online: Occupancy
- FMWPC_Performance: Full recon resolution/alignment and efficiency
- Rory suggestions (see below)
- Software versions on gluons (ROOT, halld_recon)
Monitoring ideas
The following suggested by Rory in an e-mail on Mar. 24, 2022
- invariant mass of the 2 pions
- t-distribution
- The azimuthal distribution of the pi+pi- momentum vector relative to the polarization direction (usually the x or y axis)
- The azimuthal distribution of the pi+ in the helicity frame. Here’s where my understanding drops off. See the diagram below from Alex. I think we want to plot Psi = (phi - Phi), with phi and Phi shown in the figure below. phi seems easy, it’s the angle between pi+pi- production plane, and the plane formed by the incident nucleus and recoiling nucleus. However, what I’m not clear on from this diagram is the definition of the angle Phi. Pgamma seems to be the polarization vector in the rho0 recoil-nucleus CM frame, and presumably Pgamma has components in the x, y, and z direction in this frame. So what exactly is the angle Phi in this diagram?
- Also shown below is the plot from Ballam, showing the clear signature for the rho0 in the helicity frame for the Psi distribution. If we were to cut on events at the rho0 peak, then this is what we should expect to see.
Useful Links
Attendees: David L., Beni Z., Alex A., Simon T., Andrew S., Rory M., Ilya L.
- Discussed Action Items from last meeting.
- Fibers are in place for DAQ readout, but not trigger. Experts are aware of issue and working on it.
- Beni and Justin have made Translation table to include new channels (FMWPC=yes, CTOF=?). It still needs to be uploaded into the CCDB
- Simon has added the CTOF global positions information to FMWPC library. David still needs to use it to match to tracks.
- Richard has updated the simulation code to properly handle the new Tagger geometry that has overlapping microscope and hodoscope regions. Still need updates to Analysis code. Elton noted that Justin pointed out where in the code it was and Richard acknowledged it. Not clear though on whether Richard was going to fix the code himself. Elton was going to follow up so we can make sure someone has been identified to make the necessary changes.
- Alex has added base time offsets for all 6 planes of FMWPC for all 6 planes. Offsets for individual channels are still needed. Alex will take care of it.
- Alex has provided some initial FMWPC timing numbers to Sean
- Calibration items for CTOF are also needed in CCDB. Simon will take care of.
- David removed the unneeded values from DFMWPCMatchedTrack.
- Simon has added results of K+K- kinfit to DCPPEpEm factory
- The CPP branch has several changes
- Andrew showed plots of yield asymmetry as a function of phi and psi from real data. Some discussion took place. Andrew agreed to copied relevant bits into FMWPC_performance plugin to reproduce some of the important histograms there.
Action Items
- Justin's updated Translation table put into CCDB
- Identify person to implement changes for photons in Analysis code (Elton)
- FMWPC offsets for each channel in CCDB (Alex)
- CTOF calibration constants in CCDB (Simon)
- Merge changes in master into CPP branch and submit PR to merge CPP changes into master (David)
- Solve issue of kaon/pion separation (Andrew)
- Implement kinematic histos in FMWPC_performance plugin using DCPPEpEm factory (Andrew)
- Start plan for full Monitoring/DAQ test in 2nd week of May (David)
- Add DCTOFPoint objects to DFMWPCMatchedTrack (David)