AI tutorials

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The overall topic is: „Best practice for AI in nuclear physics applications“. We wish to cover the following items via plenary talks and/or interactive tutorials:

  • Feature engineering --> Feature normalization, correlation coefficients, feature selection, etc.
  • Overfitting --> Dropout layers, weight regularization, etc.
  • Performance evaluation --> ROC-Curve, confusion matrix, accuracy, loss curves,...
  • Visualization --> How to properly present the performance of a model ? What are "good" diagnostic plots ?
  • Model deployment --> How to use a model within the GlueX analysis software
  • Data fed into models --> What data sets are used ? Numerical, vs. Images, raw data vs. clean data,...
  • Tools made available by the data science department
  • Optional, depending on time: HPO --> Tune the parameters of your model
  • Optional, depending on time: Bookkeeping of models via MLFlow

Location and Time

The workshop will take place at:

DATES: February 18 (all day) - 19 (morning only), 2025



Remote Participation




Workshop Software

PID example Notebook


AI Tutorials

Feb 18

  • 09:00 Welcome (5min)
  • 09:05 Brief introduction to Machine and Deep Learning (1h35)
  • 10:40 Break (20 min)
  • 11:00 Notebook setup (15min)
  • 11:15 Data preparation and feature engineering (1h15)
  • 12:30 Lunch (1 h)
  • 13:30 Setting up a model and training it (1h15)
  • 14:45 Final performance evaluation (1h15)
  • 16:00 Break (20min)
  • 16:30 HYDRA (45min)

Feb 19

  • 09:40 TMVA (30min)
  • 10:10 TMVA (30min)
  • 10:40 Break (20min)
  • 11:00 Graph Neural Network (45min)



Please add your name to the list of attendees below. No formal registration or registration fee is required.

Name Home Institution Level Participate at JLab
ig JLab Staff Yes
Daniel JLab Staff Yes
Gyang Virginia Tech Student No
Karthik William and Mary Postdoc No
Zachary Baldwin Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Student Yes
Nizar Septian Florida State University Student Yes
Alex Austregesilo JLab Staff Yes
Drew Smith JLab Postdoc Yes
Sean Dobbs FSU Faculty Yes
Will Imoehl Carnegie Mellon University Postdoc No
Farah Afzal Ruhr University Bochum Faculty Yes
Peter Hurck Glasgow Faculty Yes
Lawrence Ng JLab Postdoc Yes
Albert Fabrizi University of Mass. Amherst Graduate Student Yes
Shannen Graham-Howard University of Mass. Amherst Graduate Student Yes
Jiawei Guo Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Student Yes
Boris Grube JLab Staff Yes
Churamani Paudel FIU Postdoc No
Vitor Shen Ruhr University Bochum Graduate Student No
Kevin Saldaña Indiana University Graduate Student Yes

