Apr 23, 2015 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 11 a.m.
- To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/907185247.
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- More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.
Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
- Work with Hovanes to activate VME LED pulser setup for FCAL (Elton). Postpone till mid May, after current run.
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Collaboration Meeting
- Action Items
- Spring Run
- FCAL Update
- BCAL Update
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Calibration
- Any other business
Attendees: Elton, Will, Mark (JLab); Tegan, Ahmed, Zisis (UofR), Adesh, Manuel, Matt (IU); George (Athens)
- Announcements
- Steady beam to Halls A and B.
- Tuning started to Hall D, but poor quality
- Collaboration Meeting
- talks by Matt, Elton and Will
- Action Items
- Spring Run
- FCAL Update
- Calibration
- Matt met with Adesh and John Zarling to discuss progress
- Most promising scheme is to use electron calibration to seed pi0 minimization scheme
- Results in a 12 MeV pi0 width.
- John will provide latest constants so that Adesh can check them and then enter them into the CCdB
- Monitoring
- Pi0 peaks are already included in the monitoring plots.
- Would like to add plots with electrons to help understand trigger thresholds
- Adesh will be working on this and test plugin with files from last fall contrasting FCAL and BCAL triggered files.
- JInventory update (Manuel)
- All information from detector has been added to the JInventory data base
- Now adding information about loose bases
- Manuel has written a web interface to query the dB with high level information and provide feedback on the consistency of the data it contains.
- Fixes:
- Elton: Has Paul categorized/summarized failure modes of the repaired bases. Matt: Will get that information from Paul when he returns from vacation. To date he has not identified a primary failure mode.
- Calibration
- BCAL Update
- Log 3333598
- Mark has analyzed scans of pedestal data taken by Will and Noemi
- The mean pedestal of each window (100 samples) is subtracted to remove slow time scale fluctutions
- General features include: electronic contribution ~1.2 counts; dark hit contribution only at very high over bias; temperature dependence of pedestal
- Qualitative features understood.
- DRAFT of GlueX-doc-2695
- Reproduces the main features of the pedestal width using nominal values for the gain and rate of SiPM sensors
- Increase rate by factor=1.4 to agree with data. This increase can partially be accounted for by cross-talk and after pulsing.
- Data and simulation have slightly different behavior as a function of over voltage.
- Parameterization was found that roughly fit both the data and simulation. Parameters that best fit the data were also presented.
- A single simple parameterization for 10 and 18 deg was attempted, but the two data sets have somewhat different systematics.
- Log 3333598
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Inclusion of dark hits into simulation (Tegan)
- Compiled and fixed errors in new code
- Current program keeps time history in histograms, but only uses summed energy. Will add pedestal fluctuations to this one.
- Next step will be to eliminate history created in HDGEANT and do all the pedestal smearing in mcsmear.
- Mark: Suggested that one should move as quickly as possible to change scheme using the time history histograms. This will simplify and speed up simulation.
- DRAFT of GlueX-doc-2694
- Note summarizes past calculations updated with as-built parameters. Should be useful basis for discussions and new students.
- Inclusion of dark hits into simulation (Tegan)
- Calibration
- time/veff (George)
- Starting from plugin (original from Will, but modified by Elton) finds showers matched to charged tracks. Compare the z coordinate determined by showers with those from tracking to determined time offsets and veff cell-by-cell.
- efficiencies (Ahmed)
- Completed analysis of bias runs. Results are under review by Zisis and will be posted soon. Programs are ready to be used with new scans this spring.
- time/veff (George)
- Any other business