Aug 20, 2009 Calorimetry
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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET and EVO session
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- then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#"). Note: code changed 7/2/09
Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
- Review calibration procedures
Documents to Review
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Report from Bcal Readout Review submitted
- Review of Action Items
- FCAL Update
- Procurement update (Elton)
- BCAL Updates
- Fiber QA
- First-article report draft (Zisis)
- First-article report checks (Andrei)
- Lead QA
- First-article report draft (Zisis)
- Fabrication (Zisis)
- Reporting
- Readiness Review ?
- Fiber QA
- Simulations
- BCAL Readout
- MOU update?
- Testing of SiPM arrays (Fernando and Carl)
- Other business
Attendees: UofR: Zisis, George, Andrei, Dan; JLab: Tim, John, Beni, Elton; USM: Will, Alam, Manuel, Pedro
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Report from Bcal Readout Review submitted
- FCAL Update
- Matt is away, Elton reported on procurement status. PR for fabrication of FCAL modules has been placed and in process. Specification for FEU-84-3 pmts has been written and collecting signatures.
- BCAL Updates
- BCAL Fabrication
- 'Big contract' signed (Aug.6). $195,000 until Sept 30, later extended to $220,407. Reporting form received from Teresa.
- Ross 'Big Machine' is operational. Big and Small were used and first Al plate delivered a week ago. Slight concave in middle; should be no problem.
- Press: 'lunar lander' feet on rams are installed. One outermost cylinder has a leak; parts ordered; does not affect build. New, longer press swivel and locking arms will be made and press retrofitted; end pairs will be made and installed. Media:LunarLander.jpg
- Fibre sorting table ready and operational; Cu sheet glued with contact cement and tapped at the ends; grounded.
- Vaseline-free construction room. (Steak dinner courtesy of Tim).
- Building of the Construction Prototype commenced (Aug. 18). Two builds, almost 20 layers. Tower measurements will be done this morning.
- Quotations for 2nd press are under way; contract will most likely be split between Ross and Hydro Designs. Pistons have been tendered.
- Danny: Slight crown (6 mils) on current stack. Will continue to monitor.
- Fiber QA
- QA tests on shipment-3 fibres continues. Some irregularities in atten length data: dependence on Kuraray pouch? Data being checked.
- First-article report draft (Zisis)
- First-article report checks (Andrei)
- Will: asked about two components to attenuation. Zisis said fits have been made and will be made available.
- Lead QA
- First-article report draft (Zisis)
- Reporting excel sheet has been developed and must be filled out by UofR once per month in advance of project reporting.
- Readiness Review. Tentative schedule for first week of October.
- BCAL Fabrication
- Simulations
- No report
- BCAL Readout
- Light guide simulations continue and construction of dark box. Report at next week.
- Other business