Aug 30, 2011 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST'
- ESNET (Number is 8542553) and EVO session (GlueX Calorimetry meeting room)
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6337; JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
- Regina Phone: in LB228 is 306-585-4204
- Phone connection only upon request.
- +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
- +1-303-248-0285 : International
- then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
- or (and code without the #)
Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
- Beam test
Elton to check actual space in Hall B relative to the proposed drawing
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Monitoring
- Construction Status: mechanical, bases (notes from Matt)
- We received 10 first article COMM boards from Total Electronics.
- Assembly quality was not superb. The main problem was that the solder was not heated enough (dull and gray instead of shiny). Paul sent them back and we are waiting for a new batch.
- Construction Status: mechanical, bases (notes from Matt)
- Construction Status: builds, fibre QA
- Simulations/Reconstruction
- Beam tests in Hall B (fall 2011) (Kei)
- Any other business
Attending: Elton, Jim, Beni, Yi, Eugene (Jlab); Will (USM); Christine, Stratos (Athens); Zisis, Andrei (UofR).
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Monitoring
- Updates to paperwork, attempts to add most questions from procurement
- The recently tested LEDs are going to be discontinued, not unexpected since the uniformity of tested samples was poor.
- Stratos has found new options on the Osran web page, which will be investigated as soon as George Voulgaris returns next week. These are needed for the Bcal, which requires LEDs shining light parallel to the board.. (The Fcal LEDs an use previously tested units which shine light perpendicular to the board.
- Light guides. Will inquired as to light guide needs from Athens, UofR and Jlab.
- Jlab can use up to 40 light guides (old or new dimensions) for gluing tests.
- Athens originally requested 20 light guides, 12 to place on one side and 4 on the opposite of the Baby cal. They will revisit whether new or old dimensions are required
- Zisis will revisit the UofR requirements and also if new or old dimensions are required.
- Beam tests in Hall B (fall 2011) (Kei)
- IU has prepared documents describing the tests they would like to do in Hall B. However, they just recently found some discrepancies in dimensions and may have difficulty fitting into the upstream alcove. Eugene would like to go forward and let Hall B know that we are considering this, with details to follow
- Bcal work (Zisis): We have discussions at earlier meeting about instrumenting a baby cal with light guides, SiPMs and mechanical frame. Elton said that it would be unrealistic to try to have this setup by November and suggested that we aim for such a test next spring.
- Eugene mentioned the interest to look at showers at small angles. Elton mentioned that we have quite a bit of data from the previous beam test, although it was not taken with SiPMs.
- Zisis will start a list of goals and requirements for the test.
- Construction Status: mechanical, bases (notes from Matt)
- We received 10 first article COMM boards from Total Electronics.
- Assembly quality was not superb. The main problem was that the solder was not heated enough (dull and gray instead of shiny). Paul sent them back and we are waiting for a new batch.
- Construction Status: mechanical, bases (notes from Matt)
- Construction Status: builds, fibre QA
- Large crew of students completes its work tomorrow. Dan and 3 students will complete the fabrication of remaining modules during the fall. PLEASE THANK THE STUDENTS FOR THEIR HARD AND DILIGENT WORK.
- Modules 47 and 48 have been started
- 41-44 are 30% machined at Ross, long sides are done. Dimensions have been reduced as per instructions by Tim to make up for other as-built module dimensions.
- Tim: Please pass along the dimensions of the newly machined modules quickly to assess how to proceed with last modules.
- Next shipment will be about the end of September
- Fiber shipment #28 received yesterday in good shape.
- QA on #27 shipment looks good
- Last inventory of glue indicates there will be sufficient to complete the project.
- Tim: Putting together a testbed to check assembly of the bcal modules. The cradle should be together in a couple of weeks.
- Change request to reallocate funds through the end of the project and the extra module is almost complete.
- Construction Status: builds, fibre QA
- Simulations/Reconstruction
- Andrei: Working on the detailing the parameters for parametric shower simulation. The picture is becoming more complicated
- Building a detailed description of the full calorimeter to see what the processing time will be. The expected time will be similar to the current simulation efforts, about 1000 events/day.
- Any other business