BCAL Preparations for spring 2016
From GlueXWiki
- At the Spring 16 preparation meeting next week, we are asked to report next week on BCAL
- achievements and problems during fall 2015 run
- preparations needed for spring 2016 run
- goals for the Spring 2016 run
- Thoughts/comments on the fall run
- One discriminator was bad and has been replaced. (Need to verify operation now)
- Environmental monitoring is working well now. We operated at 10 deg C, but should consider running lower, e.g. chiller at 5 deg C
- The NSB,NSA values were reduced to 0,26. See Log Entry 3368391. This resulted in a pi0 peak at about 109.
- Will has taken a first look at the pi0 peaks see Log Entry 3370103, which shows that both the pulse integral adjustment and the vertex position contribute to lowering the pi0 peak value. Fractional widths are about the same as for the spring run.
- Items that should be worked on before the next run starts:
- We should check that runs with multiple triggers are correctly identified. (We had runs this way last spring, but the trigger information was not being passed on to the analysis. David was working on this and probably has made the information available, but this needs to be checked).
- We should also check the inclusion of LED pulser data into production running. This can be checked before the run starts with cosmic data.
- The software to check the functioning of all the SiPMs before the run starts only works with the stand-alone DAQs. We need to rewrite the code to accommodate data taken with the TS.
- Goals for the next run:
- Systematic studies of resolution: dependence of pi0 resolution and peak position on z-position of showers, energy and angle dependence of resolution,
- Study eta peak and compare with expectations
- Use omega -> 3 gammas for calibration purposes
- Ongoing projects:
- Comparison of MC with data. Adjust MC so that it matches the data and can be used with confidence for various systematic studies.
- The cluster finding / shower reconstruction needs to be optimized.
- Michel electrons, understanding threshold effects in BCAL.
- Complete set of calibration constants for BCAL, including time-walk corrections. Check timing of TDCs, look at time-of-flight.
- Understand the efficiency, differences between mode 8 and mode 7 running.