BLTWG Meeting 01/06/2014

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  • Time: 11:30 EST
  • Place: ESNET and Seevogh (Jlab community)
  • Connecting: instructions are here
  • Present: Richard J., Alex B., Ann Marie C., Brendan P., James M., Alex S., Todd S., Nathan S., Mark D., Elton S., Franz K., Mike D., Bill C., Yi Q., Dan S., Natalie W., Franz K. and Eugene C.


  1. Announcements
  2. Update from Accelerator Division - Todd
  3. Update on mapping the tagger and PS - Tim
  4. Update on the fixed tagger hodoscope - Franz
  5. Update on the microscope electronics - Alex B.
  6. Status of the microscope lower housing - Bill
  7. Status of the microscope construction - Ann Marie
  8. Update on pair spectrometer detector - Alex
  9. Update on polarimeter -Mike
  10. Update on the active collimator - Richard
  11. any other business
