BLTWG Meeting 08/19/2019
From GlueXWiki
- Time: 11:30 EDT
- JLab meeting room: A110, Hall D counting house
- Connecting: detailed instructions are here
- H.323 ip address:
- web browser:
- phone: 408-740-7256 or 888-240-2560
- Conference id: 536076821
- Present: Richard J., Curtis M., Alexandre D., Stuart F., Beni Z., Dan S., Eugene C., Peter S., Justin S., Dan S. and Elton S.
- Announcements
- Photon beam polarization
- Update on TPOL analysis - Michael D.
- Systematics studies with 750um converter data, 2018 data - yet to come
- Update on hadronic asymmetries - any
- TPOL readout at high rate - Sasha
- Tagging accidentals estimation
- Priority issues for immediate focus
- tagger energy scale adjustment - Sasha, Richard
- evaluation of beam flux systematic error (spectrum, normalization) - any
- PS acceptance systematics - Sasha
- Preparation for the Fall run
- Any other business