CDC run 2016 drift time fits

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time vs straw number n
time vs n (expanded)
time for straws 460 and 470
time vs n (expanded more)

The early channels are from HVB C8: roc 28, slot 15, channels 48-71; ring 8 straws 53-60, ring 9 straws 62-69 and ring straws 61-68; the time difference is ~ 5 samples (40ns).

drift time fits for a few straws from run 2016 (cosmics, magnet off)
straw 496 (I12) t0 424ns tmax 998ns tdiff 574ns
straw 497 (I13) t0 422ns tmax 988ns tdiff 566ns
straw 498 (I14) t0 424ns tmax 983ns tdiff 558ns
straw 499 (I15) t0 423ns tmax 841ns fall-off is too slow
   TF1 *f = new TF1("f","[0]*(1+[1]*exp(([3]-x)/[2])+[7]*exp(([3]-x)/[8]))/((1+exp(([3]-x)/[5]))*(1+exp((x-[4])/[6])))",400,1400);
   f->SetParameter(0,20);  //overall height
   f->SetParameter(1,20); //amplitude of first exp contrib to peak
   f->SetParameter(2,10); //first exp fall-off
   f->SetParameter(3,550);  //t0
   f->SetParameter(4,1200); //tmax
   f->SetParameter(5,2); //slope up of t0 edge
   f->SetParameter(6,5); //slope down of tmax edge
   f->SetParameter(7,3); //amplitude of first second contrib to peak
   f->SetParameter(8,100); //second exp fall-off
amplitude vs n