CPP FCAL time/energy calibrations
List of changes
These lists are giving the run ranges where the FCAL hardware was not changed.
Hi Igal,
If I see this correctly, the CPP run period was June 08 - August 16. During this time I could find only one PMT change:
07/23/2022 https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4019114 (one PMT changed)
This change was done right before the run: 06/06/2022 https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3999544
Monitoring results
What is currently in the calibration variation=default
- Pedestals for each run
- Bad blocks for each run
- Gain & Time calibrations (underway)
- FULL 100491 100960 period_1 - 8101 -
- HV change starting run 100961
- FULL 100961 101010 period_2 - 1996 -
- FULL 101010 101044 period_3 - 1400 -
- FULL 101076 101154 period_5 - 3092 -
- FULL 101164 101166 period_6 - 104 - period 6 is merged with period 5
- FULL 101255 101336 period_8 - 3948 -
- FULL 101337 101392 period_9 - 1948 -
- FULL 101393 101402 period_10 FORGOTTEN but probably will be merged with period 9
- FULL 101439 101529 period_12 - 5337 -
- FULL 101530 101535 period_13 - 286 - period 13 is merged with period 14
- FULL 101536 101587 period_14 - 3482 -
- EMPTY preliminary
- period 4: 101045-101074 is using
- period 3 101045-101060 and
- period 5 101061-101075
- period 7 101167-101254 is using
- period 5/6 101167-101210
- period 8 101211-101254
- period 11 101403-101438 is using
- period 9/10 101403-101418
- period 12 101419-101438
- period 15: 101597-101622 is using period 14
- period 4: 101045-101074 is using
- EMPTY preliminary
- Energy calibration (not yet there)
What is currently in the default variation
- For the energy calibration (empty target periods used period 1 table)
- period 0: 100408-100845
- period 1: 100961-101010
- period 2: 101011-101044
- period 4: 101076-101154
- period 8: 101255-101336
- period 11: 101439-101587
NB: the period in this section does not match the period in section "Period" but matches the period in section "Gain matching calibration plots". And the period for energy and time is not the same!
- For the time calibration
- period 1: 100408-100960
- period 2: 100961-101587
The periods in BOLD are calibrated i.e. have a pedestal and gain tables. Each period corresponds to constant FCAL and/or experimental conditions.
- period 0: 100408-100490 - excluded from calibration
- period 1: 100491-100581 - full / old HV
- period 2: 100653-100654 - empty / old HV
- period 3: 100660-100825 - full / old HV
- period 4: 100826-100842 - empty / old HV
- period 5: 100843-100959 - full / old HV
- period 6: 100961-101044 - full / new HV
- period 7: 100945-101073 - empty / new HV
- period 8: 101076-101166 - full / new HV
- period 9: 101167-101254 - empty / new HV
- period 10: 101255-101392 - full / new HV
- period 11: 101393-101438 - empty / new HV
- period 12: 101439-101587 - full / new HV
- period 13: 101597-101622 - empty / new HV
Gain matching calibration plots
Checking the FCAL gains
File:Pb cpp method0 period0.xlsx
File:Pb cpp method0 period1.xlsx
File:Pb cpp method0 period2.xlsx
File:Pb cpp method0 period8.xlsx
File:Pb cpp method0 period11.xlsx
Energy dependence correction monitoring plots
Timing calibration
- period 1: 100408-100960
- period 2: 100961-
Bad block map
This map is done for each run number by combining the info collected by analyzing the LED and pi0 skims.
- LED skim results
- Integrated number of bad blocks over the entire run period 1D distribution & 2D distribution
- Number of bad blocks per run