Controls Meeting 31-May-2012

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  • Announcements
  • Minutes from previous meeting 17-May-2012
  • CNU summer student projects - Elliott
    • Liebert UPS control, SNMP, AFECS/EPICS, etc.
  • Barcode scanner - Elliott, Hovanes
  • EPICS - Hovanes, Vanik
    • alarm system, goniometer, UConn boards, other power supplies, etc.
  • Counting house installation - Hovanes, Mark
  • Solenoid_Controls_Redesign - Mark, Josh, Scot, Yi, Elliott
    • FastTrack, FMEA, UPS power to Danfysik, SOE, QD, overcurrent protection, ground fault detector, etc.
  • JInventory database - Elliott
    • new columns: MAC_Address, IPName, GeomLoc
  • Test stand - Hovanes, Josh
  • PLC programming and PXI system - Josh, Dave
  • Elogs and databases - Elliott
  • Mantis task tracker
  • Experiment Control Supervisor - Elliott


9:30 AM Thurs 31-May-2012 CC L207


Next Meeting

9:30am Thurs 14-Jun-2012 CC L207


Present: Elliott W, Josh B, Mark S.

UPS and Summer Student

Rob Ryan, a CNU summer student, is looking into how to communicate with the Liebert UPS. Possibilities include SNMP, hard-wired relays. We may need to purchase "Intellislot" cards for both, Walt is checking whether we ordered any. Both EPICS and AFECS can communicate via SNMP, and the PLC can sense relays. We may want to implement hardware and software communication with the UPS for redundancy, particularly if the UPS will power critical systems in the hall.

JInventory System and Barcode Scanner

Elliott added new columns as requested at previous meetings. Elliott and Hovanes will meet with a barcode scanner salesman right after lunch, stay tuned. Also, Josh and Elliott will implement slots in a chassis, then we all can evaluate the various conventions and schemes Josh and Elliott have been using. There's not many entries yet so we should change things now.

Counting House

Mark will find out why there's been no progress on installing the RDC and try to get it moving again.


Elliott has been tasked with creating a full FastTrack schedule for the Nov test (despite his best efforts to pawn it off on someone else). The vacuum chassis is being designed, it is not clear the level of control needed. One very import concern is whether machine safety will rely on the PLC. Previously ultimate safety was ensured via hard-wired controls components, and did not rely on the PLC. If this changes we may have to go through a safety review.

PLC Programming

Josh has been busy modifying and rewriting the existing PLC program. He is making great use of structured text and add-on instructions. Partly as a training exercise, and partly because it will be useful, He will have Dave Butler rewrite the Danfysik communication code (all ladders now, change to a mostly structured text).

Josh rewrote the CPID record as an add-on instruction. He will test whether to use the A-B PID function block or the Cryo group's original CPID code. Originally we had problems with the A-B PID block, but it appears we were not using it properly. Now Josh thinks it is a good choice.


Accelerator will demo their first attempt at a major upgrade soon. The upgrade is based on requests from the four halls.