Cross check yields
From GlueXWiki
|t| > 3, cos(theta*) > -0.76
Energy (GeV) 7 8 9 10
t min -10.3 -11.9 -13.4 -15
sigma(gn->p pi) (nb) 1.83 1.01 0.62 0.4
Phys. Rev. D 14, 3, 1976 (SLAC)
Measurements of exclusive photoprodyction process at large values of t and u from 4 to 7.5 GeV
N = 2.5x10^7 (lumi) * 1.5x10^23 (N C target) * 2.7x10-9*10^-24 (cross section on C) * 0.64 (rec eff)~ 6.4x10^-3 N/sec
N (10 PAC days) ~ 5.6 k reconstructed events