Dec 7, 2021 PrimEx-Eta (informal) Calibration & Analysis Meeting
Time and Place
- Time: Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 at 10:30 am EST.
- Room: Online
Meeting Connections
- If joining via web browser, go to [1]
- If joining via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 210214582 & Passcode: 6567.
- US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
- US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
- If joining via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: ( and enter the meeting ID: 210214582.
- Announcements
- Status of Calibrations
- Run Validation phase I --
- Run Validation phase II --
- Calibration Updates:
- Tagger (Tyler)
- PS & Alignment (Sasha)
- FCAL (ig)
- CCAL (Drew)
- Analysis Updates:
- Drew
- Tyler
- ig
- MC simulation Updates
- Production (ig)
Present: Drew, Sasha, & ig
1/ Drew find a bug in the energy calibration procedure applied to the 2021 data set and is in the process to cure this problem. Also, Drew is working on matching CCAL response for data & simu. The MC simulation energy resolution is much better so it needs to be smeared. Sasha reminded us that a smearing parameter already exists CCAL/mc_energy and is applied to the cell level. ig reminded that the smearing can also be applied at the cluster level as it is done in some experiments.
2/ ig found a possible way to improve the energy dependence correction for high energetic photons that will be tested in the current weeks. Reminder: the energy dependence correction is applied per ring with the ring is calculated by using the position of the shower is reconstructed by taking the average positions of all modules in the cluster logarithmically weighted by their energy. This is not correct as this position is recalculated using the energy after the energy dependence correction is applied. So ig will from now on calculate the ring from the central detector of a cluster and do one single energy dependence correction for one beam time to better capture the high energy photon dependence.
3/ Sasha is working on the PS calibration but mostly for SRC.