December 21, 2007 Calorimetry
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- The meeting will be held at 10:00 EST (9:00 CST)
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- Previous minutes: December 14, 2007 Calorimetry
- Calorimetry Document Preparation
- Resources Alex's draft GX_calorimetry).
- Intro: GlueX-doc-856 and Media:reminder2.pdf
- BCAL bullets: Media:BCAL_Highlights.pdf, FCAL list: Media:CalorimetryOutlineDoc.pdf
- DocDB: BCAL Calorimetry Response, BCAL Facts, Amplitude Analysis, SciFi Emission Spectra Analysis
- Resources Alex's draft GX_calorimetry).
- FCAL Hardware/Software
- Light guides: ongoing, update
- Low energy threshold: cosmics/Cherenkov: ongoing, update
- Hadronic backgrounds: ongoing, update
- BCAL Hardware/Software
- SiPM Arrays: defect/distortion tests
- Outer Bcal Light Guides: Preliminary notes (ES)
- Any other business
- Tracker: ActionItemTracker
Attendees: Alex, Matt, Beni, Mihajlo (Indiana), Elton, Tim (JLab), Elke (DESY), George, Zisis (Regina)
- Previous minutes: December 14, 2007 Calorimetry
- No comments.
- Calorimetry Document Preparation
- Resources: The documents listed above are the source of most of the Calorimetry document. Cut and Past action.
- Status Quo: Alex has the intro section in good shape. George will deliver BCAL sections to Alex, and Beni, Mihajlo and Matt will have a draft of the FCAL Sections by the end of next week.
- Timelines: Working backwards from a tentative review date of Feb 18, we will have the document (and associate documentation) to the reviewers by Feb 1. Therefore, allowing the last week in January for final editing, we need to circulate the document to the Collaboration by Jan 18 and request feedback by the 25th.
- Reviewers: Two reviewers are in the process of being contacted. There may be a third. The 12 GeV management will send them the terms of reference. Elton sent out a pointer for the FDC review terms so that we can see what sort of things they contain (see /group/12GeVUpgrade/Reviews/Physics/Hall B & D Drift Chamber Reviews/). See the attached document: Media:DCReview.doc.
- FCAL Hardware/Software
- Mihajlo reported on the reconstruction. A difficult channels with 8 neutrals is being looked at as a worse case scenario.
- Beni reported that one of the students is working on the light guide tests report.
- BCAL Hardware/Software
- George and Zisis reported on the SiPM work. New examination of defects on the SiPM arrays by miscroscope as well as forward bias curves were carried out by Kathryn (see Bubbles and no Troubles). The defects are not correlated with cells that have low amplitude. The forward bias curves seem reasonable but do not point to any problems in the silicon. The suspect for the poor performance of the arrays remains the electro-mechanical assembly. These results will be transmitted to SensL.
- SensL just sent their revised Phase-II proposal. We will have an internal teleconference on Jan 2 or 3 to discuss it before replying to them.
- Elton has gotten a handle on Blake's light ray tracing, to simulate the outer layer light guides (see histos in above link). Matt mentioned that GlueX-doc-656 is a good resource for these studies. Elton will continue and let Zisis know if GuideIt will be needed for these simulations.
- Next meeting: the next calorimetry group meeting is scheduled for January 4.