E+e- Pair Production off target
From GlueXWiki
e+e- pairs produced off the Be target were generated using the gen_ee event generator in halld_sim. Separate sets of events were generated in 0.1 energy bins between 6 and 11 GeV. For each energy range, the beam energy is sampled from a 1/E probability distribution, and 20 files are created, each with 50k events (totaling 1M events per energy bin). The generated events were simulated in hdgeant4 using run number 61321.
Hddm File Locations:
- Be target, e+e- pair production (production off nucleus), no background: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_compton_analysis/pair_sim/hddmFiles_pair
- Be target, e+e- triplet production (production off electron), no background: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_compton_analysis/pair_sim/hddmFiles_trip
Note: Only the Be target was used in simulating e+e- pairs. Moreover, no validation of the gen_ee generator with a non-proton target has been done yet. In the future, I will simulate more e+e- pairs off the target (both for Be and He) using the default generator built into geant4.