GlueX Collaboration Meeting
February 16 to 18, 2012 at Jefferson Lab
The following template has been set up to allow people to identify what needs to be presented at the meeting. It has been roughly broken out by working group with suggestions for topics within each group. The working group chairs should work on adding the relevant talks with an estimated time (including questions) and the speaker's name. If there is a talk that does not fit into this template, please add it at the bottom.
Everyone participating in the collaboration meeting whether in person at JLab or remotely via electronic media are encouraged to register. Please visit the Registration Page.
To see who else will be attending either in person or via electronic media, please see the Current List of Participants Page
CEBAF Center L102/104
Remote Access
- ESNET: 8542553
- EVO: Room Booked under GlueX, entitled GlueX Collaboration Meeting
- Telephone: EVO telephone bridge -- see Remote Access Instructions for Collaboration Meeting, February 16-18, 2012 for detailed instructions for connecting to EVO.
- Skype: A link to instructions for connecting via Skype can also be found here.
Talks on the DocDB
The DocDB talk-upload template for the February 2012 Collaboration Meeting can be found here:
Upload your talks at the link above and then edit the agenda below to enter the appropriate link to your talk based on its DocDB document number.
Example (from the May 2008 meeting):
- 15:15 Session I (90) --- Offline Working Group Meeting --- Chair Curtis Meyer
- (20) Offline Software Status -- D. Lawrence
Thursday February 16, 2012
- 8:30 Session Ia (75) --- Opening Session - Chair: M. Shepherd
- 8:30 (15) --- Welcome --- Curtis Meyer.
- 8:45 (30) --- Project Status --- Eugene Chudakov.
- 9:15 (30) --- MOUs and Contracts --- Elton Smith.
- 9:45 (30) --- The June Software Review --- David Lawrence
- 10:15 (20) --- Invited Talk --- Bob McKeown
- 10:35 (25) Coffee
- 11:00 Session Ia (15) --- Discussion - Chair: C. Meyer
- 11:00 (15) --- Discussion - Mike Williams
- 11:15 Session Ib (90) --- Tracking - (Organizer: B. Zihlmann) Chair: E. Wolin
- 11:15 (30) --- CDC Construction Progress - Curtis Meyer
- 11:45 (30) --- FDC update - Lubomir Pentchev
- 12:15 Session Ic (30) --- Enginering Update - Chair: E. Smith
- 12:15 (30) --- Engineering update Engineering Update --- Tim Whitlatch
- 12:45 (75) Lunch
- 14:00 Session IIa (150) --- Beamline/Tagger - (Organizer: Richard Jones) - Chair: C. Meyer
- 14:00 (30) --- Progress in diamond target fabrication - Richard Jones
- 14:30 (30) --- Progress in polarimeter simulation (pdf version) - Michael Dugger
- 15:00 (30) --- Tagger Microscope Construction Plan - James McIntyre
- 15:30 (30) --- Results for time resolution with SiPM's - Ivan Tolstukhin
- 16:00 (30) --- Tagger-Beamline timeline - Tim Whitlatch
- 16:30 (30) Coffee
- 17:00 Session IIb (60) --- TOF and PID - (Organizer: M. Ito) Chair: Z. Papandreou
- 17:00 (30) --- TOF Update - Alexander Ostrovidov
- 17:30 (30) --- Start counter Update - Lei Guo, Simulations - Puneet Khetarpal
- 18:00 Session IIc (90) --- Collaboration Board - Chair: Z. Papandreou
- 18:00 (90) --- Collaboration Board Meeting - Election of Chair.
Friday February 17, 2012
- 8:30 Session IIIa (90) --- Electronics/DAQ/Monitoring/Controls - (Organizer: Elliott Wolin) - Chair: D. Lawrence
- 8:30 (30) --- Electronics - Fernando Barbosa
- 9:00 (20) --- DAQ Update - Dave Abbott
- 9:20 (20) --- Counting House and Controls - Hovanes Egiyan
- 9:40 (20) --- Online and Solenoid Test - Elliott Wolin
- 10:00 (30) Coffee
- 10:30 Session IIIb (90) --- Trigger - (Organizer: Sasha Somov) - Chair: M. Ito
- 10:30 (30) --- Trigger Electronics - Chris Cuevas
- 11:00 (30) --- Features of new TI-D and TS Boards - William Gu
- 11:30 (30) --- Status of Trigger Commissioning - Sascha Somov
- 12:00 Lunch (90)
- 13:30 Session IVa (120) --- Calorimetry - (Organizer: Zisis Papandreou ) - Chair: B. Zihlmann
- 13:30 (15) --- FCAL Construction - Matt Shepherd
- 13:45 (45) --- FCAL Beam Test - John Leckey
- 14:30 (15) --- BCAL Beam Test - Zisis Papandreou
- 14:45 (45) --- SiPMs - Will Brooks
- 15:30 Coffee (30)
- 16:00 Session IVb (90) --- Offline Reconstruction - (Organizer: M. Ito) Chair: A. Somov
- 16:00 (30) --- Amplitude Analysis - Mike Pennington
- 16:30 (20) --- Recent Progress - Mark Ito
- 16:50 (30) --- Tracking - Simon Taylor
- 17:20 Adjourn
- 19:00 --- Collaboration Dinner
Saturday February 18, 2012
- 8:30 Session Va (70) --- Business Meeting - (Organizer Curtis Meyer) - Chair: M. Shepherd
- 8:30 (10) --- Report from the Spokeperson - Curtis Meyer
- 8:40 (10) --- Report from the Collaboration Board - George Lolos (for Richard Jones)
- 8:50 (10) --- GlueX Image Repository - Zisis Papandreou
- 9:00 (10) --- Open Discussion on upcoming events - Curtis Meyer
- 9:10 Session Va (150) --- Physics - (Organizer: Ryan Mitchell) - Chair: E.Chudakov
- 9:10 (30) --- Activities of the Physics Working Group -- Ryan Mitchell
- 9:40 (20) --- Update on Cascades Simulations -- Nathan Sparks
- 10:10 (20) --- Update on b1pi Amplitude Analysis -- Igor Senderovich
- 11:00 (15) Coffee
- 11:15 (30) --- pipi Physics -- Rory Miskimen
- 11:45 (30) --- Physics of Rare Eta Decays -- Liping Gan
- 12:15 (20) --- Backgrounds in Rare Eta Decays -- Sascha Somov
- 12:40 --- Adjourn