GlueX Collaboration Meeting
February 16 to 18, 2017 at Jefferson Lab
The following template has been set up to allow people to identify what needs to be presented at the meeting. It has been roughly broken out by working group with suggestions for topics within each group. The working group chairs should work on adding the relevant talks with an estimated time (including questions) and the speaker's name. If there is a talk that does not fit into this template, please add it at the bottom.
Everyone participating in the collaboration meeting whether in person at JLab or remotely via electronic media are encouraged to register. Please visit the Registration Page.
To see who else will be attending either in person or via electronic media, please see the
Current List of Participants Page
CEBAF Center L102
Remote Access
- To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1]
- To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: ( and enter the meeting ID: 660743227.
- To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 660743227.
- US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
- US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
- More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.
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Talks on the DocDB
The DocDB talk-upload template for the February 2017 Collaboration Meeting can be found here:
Upload your talks at the link above and then edit the agenda below to enter the appropriate link to your talk based on its DocDB document number.
Example (from the May 2008 meeting):
- 15:15 Session I (90) --- Offline Working Group Meeting --- Chair Curtis Meyer
- (20) Offline Software Status -- D. Lawrence
Thursday February 16, 2017
- 8:30 Session Ia (120) --- Opening - Chair: Matt Shepherd
- 8:30 (5) --- Welcome --- Curtis Meyer
- 8:35 (20) --- Hall D Update --- Eugene Chudakov
- 8:55 (30) --- Fall 2016 summary and Spring 2017 Run Plan --- Alexandre Deur
- 9:25 (25) --- Accelerator Update --- Todd Satogata
- 9:45 (20) --- Engineering Update --- Tim Whitlach
- 10:05 (20) --- Electronics Update -- Fernando Barbosa
- 10:25 (20) Coffee
- 10:45 Session Ib (100) --- Physics/Analysis I - (Organizer: Volker Crede) - Chair: Zisis Papandreou
- 10:45 (5) --- Eta/Eta-Prime Working Group Overview -- Zisis Papandreou
- 10:50 (25) --- Analysis Studies Update -- Paul Mattione
- 11:15 (25) --- Multi-Photon Analysis Update -- Simon Taylor
- 11:40 (25) --- Survey of the 4γ Final State -- Shuang Han
- 12:05 (25) --- Initial Study of the φππ Final State in GlueX -- Kam Seth
- 12:30 (90) Lunch
- 12:45 (60) Collaboration Board Meeting
- 14:00 Session IIa (100) --- Physics/Analysis II - (Organizer: ) - Chair: Curtis Meyer
- 14:00 (20+5) --- Beam Asymmetries of Charged Pseudoscalars -- Alexander Austregesilo
- 14:25 (20+5) --- Update on the η-Primakoff Experiment -- Alexander Somov
- 14:50 (20+5) --- Proposal of a KL-Beam Facilty for Hall D -- Moskov Amaryan
- 15:15 (20+5) --- Physics Discussion
- 15:40 (20) Coffee
- 16:00 Session IIb (60) --- Physics Symposium Talk --- (Organizer: ) - Chair: Bob McKeown
- 16:00 (50+5) --- From Light Hadrons to Charm: Early Results From the GlueX Experiment -- Sean Dobbs
- 17:00 --- Symposium Reception and Toast in the Atrium
Friday February 17, 2017
- 9:00 Session IIIa (60) --- Calorimeters - (Organizer: Zisis Papandreou) - Chair: Sean Dobbs
- 9:00 (30) --- FCAL Update - Jon Zarling
- 9:30 (30) --- BCAL Update - Elton Smith
- 10:00 Session IIIb (40) --- Tracking - (Organizer: Naomi Jarvis) - Chair: Paul Mattione
- 10:00 (40) --- FDC/CDC Alignment - Mike Staib
- 10:40 (30) Coffee
- 11:10 Session IIIc (75) --- Particle ID - (Organizer: Justin Stevens) - Chair: David Lawrence
- 11:10 (15) --- DIRC Update Overview --- John Hardin
- 11:25 (15) --- DIRC Optical Cookie Update --- Maria Patsyuk
- 11:40 (25) --- Start Counter Update --- Mahmoud Kamel
- 12:05 (25) --- Time of Flight Update --- Brad Cannon
- 12:30 Lunch (90)
- 14:00 Session IVa (100) --- Beamline/Tagger - (Organizer: Richard Jones) - Chair: Maria Patsyuk
- 14:00 (30) --- Diamond alignment and beam stability - Hovanes Egiyan
- 14:30 (30) --- Latest TPOL results on beam polarization - Nathan Sparks
- 15:00 (20) --- First results after the microscope upgrade - R. Jones (for Alex Barnes)
- 15:20 (20) --- Sources of non-zero beam polarization below the coherent peak - Richard Jones
- 15:40 Coffee (20)
- 16:00 Session IVb (120) --- DAQ/Trigger/Electronics - (Organizer:David L.) - Chair: Alexander Austregesilo
- 16:00 (30) --- L1 Trigger Update - Alex Somov
- 16:30 (30) --- DAQ status - Sergey Furletov
- 17:00 (30) --- Online systems - David Lawrence
- 17:30 (30) --- L3 Trigger - David Lawrence
- 18:00 Adjourn
- 18:15 GlueX Reception in the Atrium
Saturday February 18, 2017
- 9:00 Session IIb (100) --- Analysis/Offline/Calibration - (Organizer: Sean Dobbs) - Chair: Nathan Sparks
- 9:00 (20) --- Offline Software Status -- Mark Ito
- 9:20 (20) --- Calibration Status -- Sean Dobbs
- 9:40 (20) --- Offline Data Processing --- Alexander Austregesilo
- 10:00 (20) --- HDGeant4 Update --- Richard Jones
- 10:20 (20) --- Update on J/ψ Threshold Photoproduction --- Lubomir Pentchev
- 10:40 (20) Coffee
- 11:00 Session Vb (60) --- Business Meeting - Chair: Eugene Chudakov
- 11:00 (20) --- Report from Collaboration Board - Paul Eugenio
- 11:20 (30) --- Closeout Curtis Meyer
- 12:00 Adjourn