GlueX Winter 2022 Collaboration Meeting
February 23-25, 2022 Hybrid Format
The GlueX Collaboration Meeting will be held jointly online and in person at Florida State University.
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Everyone participating in the collaboration meeting is required to register. Please visit the Registration Page to register. There is no fee for this meeting.
Travel Logistics
The in-person session will be hosted at Florida State University.
Wednesday Afternoon, Feb. 23
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- Opening Session (organizers: Matt and Justin) Chair: Matt
- 2:00 - 2:15: Opening Remarks (Matt)
- 2:15 - 2:35: Hall D Status (Eugene)
- 2:35 - 3:00: Hall D Installations and Engineering (Tim)
- 3:00 - 3:20: (break)
- 3:20 - 3:45: Preparations for CPP (Andrew S.)
- 3:45 - 4:10: FCAL2 Construction Status (Sasha)
- 4:10 - 4:20: Update on Documentation Effort (Beni)
- 4:20 - 4:40: (break)
- 4:40 - 5:05: Status of GlueX-II data, simulation, and analysis (Alex)
- 5:05 - 5:30: Report from the Collaboration Board (Mark D.)
Thursday Morning, Feb. 24
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- Evaluation of GlueX Detector Lifetime Issues (organizer: Matt) Chair: Eugene
- 9:00 - 9:20: Beamline and associated instrumentation (Richard)
- 9:20 - 9:35: Time of Flight (Paul)
- 9:35 - 9:50: Start Counter (Beni)
- 9:50 - 10:15: Tracking Systems: CDC (Naomi) and FDC (Lubomir)
- 10:15 - 10:30: DIRC (Justin)
- 10:30 - 10:50: (break)
- 10:50 - 11:15: Calorimetry: BCAL (Zisis) and FCAL (Mark D.)
- 11:15 - 11:35: Electronics (Fernando)
- 11:35 - 11:50: Solenoid, cryogenics, Infrastructure (Tim)
- 11:50 - 12:00: Discussion
Thursday Afternoon, Feb. 24
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- Amplitude Analysis (organizer: Alex) Chair: Justin
- 1:35 - 1:45: Introduction of Bonn Group (Annika)
- 1:45 - 2:10: AA working group overview: SDMEs and exotic searches (Alex)
- 2:10 - 2:35: a2 differential cross section in ηπ (Malte)
- 2:35 - 2:55: Double-Regge physics in ηπ0; (Rebecca) [APS]
- 2:55 - 3:20: Background study, amplitude analysis, moments analysis of η'π (Rupesh) [APS]
- 3:20 - 3:40: (break)
- 3:40 - 4:05: ωπ- (Amy)
- 4:05 - 4:30: ωπ0 (Karthik)
- 4:30 - 4:55: ωη (Edmundo) [APS]
- 4:55 - 5:15: (break)
- Beam Asymmetry (organizer: Zisis) Chair: Zisis
- 5:15 - 5:35: η beam asymmetry (Tolga) [APS]
- 5:35 - 5:55: η' beam asymmetry (Churamani) [APS]
- Additional discussion as needed
Friday Morning, Feb. 25
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- PrimEx η (organizer: Sasha) Chair: Simon
- 9:00 - 9:25: Compton cross section (Drew) [APS]
- 9:25 - 9:50: η→γγ (Tyler H.)
- 9:50 - 10:15: η→3π (Igal) [APS]
- Diversity and Inclusion:
- 10:15 - 10:30: D&I Introduction (Olga and Mariana)
- 10:30 - 10:45: (break)
- Cross Section Measurements I (organizer: Justin) Chair: Volker
- 10:45 - 11:00: Working Group Overview (Justin)
- 11:00 - 11:25: Ξ(1820) (Chandra) [APS]
- 11:25 - 11:50: Λ(1405) → π0Σ0 (Nilanga) [APS]
- 11:50 - 12:15: γp→pηππ; (Alison) [APS]
Friday Afternoon, Feb. 25
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- Cross Section Measurements II (organizer: Justin) Chair: Sean
- 1:45 - 2:20: f1→KSKπ (Tyler V.) [APS]
- 2:20 - 2:45 (a2→ KSK-) Δ++ (Shankar)
- 2:45 - 3:10: J/ψ Cross Section (Lubomir)
- 3:10 - 3:35 η'η Production (Jason) [APS]
- 3:35 - 4:00: K+π+π- amplitude analysis (Andrew)
- Closing