GlueX Winter 2023 Collaboration Meeting
February 15-17, 2023 Hybrid
The GlueX Collaboration Meeting will be held jointly online and in person at Jefferson Lab in CEBAF Center F113.
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Everyone participating in the collaboration meeting is required to register at the Registration Page. There is a registration fee of $45 for those attending in person at Jefferson Lab. There is no fee for remote participants.
Remember that all on-site participants must have an active visit registration approved one week in advance of the meeting. The portal for site access is here. Sign in with your JLab user ID.
DocDB Template
Feb 2023 Collaboration Upload Template
Collaboration Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, February 15
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- Session I: Opening and Current Status (Chair: Justin)
- 13:30 (15+5): Welcome and Opening Remarks (Matt)
- 13:50 (15+5): Hall D Status Report (Eugene)
- 14:10 (20+5): CPP Run Summary and Analysis Status (Ilya)
- 14:35 (20+5): Update on the Hall D Beamline and Microscope (Ellie)
- 15:00 (20+5): CEBAF Operations Update (Edy)
- 15:25-15:55: Break
- Session II: Hardware, Software, and Preparations for JEF (Chair: Eugene)
- 15:55 (20+5): Engineering Overview (Tim)
- 16:20 (20+5): FCAL2 Construction and Installation (Sasha)
- 16:55 (20+5): FCAL Operations and Transition to FCAL2 (Malte)
- 17:10 (20+5): Software and Analysis Update for JEF (Simon)
- 17:35 (20+5): GlueX Software Status Report (Peter)
Thursday, February 16
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- 8:30: Continental Breakfast available in F113
- 8:45: Morning Run Coordination Meeting
- Cross Sections + a little Business (Chair: Sean)
- 9:30 (20+5): η Cross Section (Jon)
- 9:55 (20+5): f1 Production in K+KSπ (Tyler)
- 10:20 (20+5): Isospin Separated ωππ Cross Section for π1 (Ryan)
- 10:45 (10+10): D&IC Update on GlueX Code of Conduct (Mike)
- 11:05-11:35: Break and Collaboration Photo
- Business Meeting + a little Cross Sections (Chair: Simon)
- 11:35 (20+5): φππ Cross Section and Y(2175) (Klaus G.)
- 12:00 (10+10): Collaboration Board Report and Discussion (Mark)
- 12:20 (10+10): GlueX-III LOI Plans and Discussion (Justin)
- 12:40 - 14:00: Lunch
- Students and postdocs (only) are invited to bring their own lunch to F326/7 for a discussion on the publication process (Jon and Peter)
- Cross Sections II (Chair: Sean)
- 14:00 (20+5): Analysis and Cross Section Update for γp → K+K+Ξ- (Jesse)
- 14:25 (20+5): Cascade Cross Section Update (Brandon)
- 14:50 (20+5): Total cross section of Ξ-*(1820)γp → K+K+K-Λ (Chandra)
- 15:15 (20+5): Λ(1405/1520) Cross Section (Nilanga)
- 15:40 - 16:10: Break
- Compton and J/ψ (Chair: Matt)
- 16:10 (20+5): Compton Cross Section (Drew)
- 16:35 (20+5): Asymmetries and SDMEs in e+e- (Keigo)
- 17:00 (20+5): J/ψ Cross Section Paper Vote (Ryan)
- 17:25 (20+5): Production of Charmonium Beyond J/ψ (Sean)
- 18:00: Reception in the CEBAF Center Atrium
Friday, February 17
All speakers should plan to use the last 5 minutes of their allocated slot for questions and discussion.
- 8:30: Continental Breakfast available in F113
- 8:45: Morning Run Coordination Meeting
- Amplitude Analysis I (Chair: Amy)
- 9:30 (20+5): a2 Production in ηπ0 (Lawrence)
- 9:55 (20+5): Double Regge Modeling in γp → η π0 p (Rebecca)
- 10:20 (20+5): Production of ηπ (') with η→3π and η'→η2π(Zach)
- 10:45 (20+5): Analysis of η'π (Boris)
- Break: 11:10 - 11:40
- Amplitude Analysis II (Chair: Malte)
- 11:40 (20+5): ρ SDMEs (Alex)
- 12:05 (20+5): Resonances in KSKS (Dene)
- 12:30 (20+5): Resonances in KSKL (Gabriel)
- Lunch: 12:55 - 14:00
- Everyone is invited to bring their own lunch to F113 for a discussion with the Collaboration Board about CB business
- Additional Topics and Closing (Chair: Alex A.)
- 14:00 (20+5): Unpolarized ρ SDMEs (Jamie)
- 14:25 (20+5): Dalitz Plot Analysis ω → 3π (Saheli)
- 14:50 (20+5): Λ(1405) Lineshape Analysis (Reinhard)
- 15:15 (20+5): Status of PrimEx-η Analysis (Igal)
- 15:40 (20+5): Pseudoscalar and scalar meson photoproduction interpreted by Regge phenomenology (Igor)
- 16:05: Closing Remarks (Matt and David Dean)
- After the formal agenda ends, everyone is invited to continue the physics discussion at Tradition Brewing.