From GlueXWiki
GlueX Collaboration Meeting
January 10, 11 an 12, 2008 at Jefferson Lab
The following template has been set up to allow people to identify what needs to be presented at the meeting. It has been roughly broken out by working group with suggestions for topics within each group. The working group chairs should work on adding the relevant talks with an estimated time (including questions) and the speaker's name. If there is a talk that does not fit into this template, please add it at the bottom.
Everyone participating in the collaboration meeting whether in person at JLab or remotely via electronic media are encouraged to register. One can register on the Registration Page
Room L102/104
CEBAF Center
Jefferson Lab
Talks on the DocDB
Thursday January 10, 2008
- Session Ia --- Opening --- Chair Alex Dzierba
- 09:00 Welcome (15 min) Curtis Meyer
- 09:15 Update on Project Status (30 min) Elke Aschenauer
- 09:45 Upcoming Reviews (30 min) Elton Smith
- 10:15 Coffee Break
- Session Ib Infrastructure and Beam --- Chair Elton Smith
- 10:30 Engineering and Design (30 min) Tim Whitlatch
- 11:00 Magnet Update (30 min) George B.
- 11:30 Tagger Bid Package
- 11:45 Beamline specifications
- Need to sign them in agreement with JLab machine group.
- Any other requirement to the machine group.
- 12:15 Lunch
- Session IIa Offline and Simulation --- Chair Paul Eugenio
- 1:15 Status of simulation (25) --- Richard
- action item: create a wiki page with all the things to change with respect to the current CD-3 geometry
- start counter
- route FDC cable to come out at the upstream side
- action item: create a wiki page with all the things to change with respect to the current CD-3 geometry
- 1:45 Offline Sofware Status (15) --- David L.
- 2:00 Tracking Reconstruction (25) --- David L./Simon/Mark
- 1:15 Status of simulation (25) --- Richard
- 2:45 Coffee Break
- Session IIb Online and Electronics
- 3:15 Electronics (45 min) Fernando Barbosa
- 4:00 Status of the Trigger/DAQ/Monitoring/Controls effort (15) --- Elliott
- 4:20 Status of the trigger (20) --- Dave D.
Friday January 11, 2008
- Session IIIa (Calorimeter) --- Chair David Lawrence
- 09:00 BCAL Progress Update (30 min) --- George
- analyse cosmic spectra from green and blue fibers, to varify the factor 5 in light yield
- 09:30 Discussion on no of photoelectrons and implication on SiPMs
- 10:00 FCAL: Threshold/Light guides/FADC (20 min) --- Beni/Matt
- 09:00 BCAL Progress Update (30 min) --- George
- 10:30 Coffee Break
- Session IIIb --- Chair Elke Aschenauer
- 10:50 Reconstruction/Physics (20 min) --- Mihajlo/Matt
- the following plots are needed for the review
- compare CD-3 geometry with the on for chamber review
- put fdc cables to zero and compare with cd-3 geometry
- the following plots are needed for the review
- 11:15 Calorimeter Transition Region (15 min) --- Richard/Paul
- get a cost estimate for the GCal
- for the calo-review we leave things where they are right now
- write CR to remove UPV from R&D and PED
- 11:40 Calorimetry Review (25 min) --- Elton/Zisis
- Document status
- Materials to Reviewers
- List of questions to prepare for
- 10:50 Reconstruction/Physics (20 min) --- Mihajlo/Matt
- 12:15 Lunch
- Session IVa Tracking --- Chair Matt Shepherd
- 13:15 CDC (20) Yves Van Haarlem
- 13:50 FDC (20) Simon Taylor
- Action items:
- investigate the impact routing the cables out at the CDC side on cable lenght, shaping, space for electronics location and cdc layers
- Action items:
- 14:25 Preamps (20) Fernando Barbosa
- 14:55 Tracking Review (20) Daniel Carman
- 15:15 Coffee
- Session IVb (Discussion on Work to be Done) --- Chair Curtis Meyer
- 15:45 (60)
- Detector Specifications (Elton's Document)
- Action Item Tracker
- Design Report Update --- Alex
- 15:45 (60)
- 17:00 Collaboration Board Meeting
Saturday January 12, 2008
- Session Va Chair --- George Lolos
- 9:00 Report from the Collaboration Board
- 9:45 DIRC Discussion
- Impact of leaving space for a DIRC
- Impact of DIRC Readout
---> Decission was made to leave no space for a DIRC
- 10:15 Physics Workshop Update --- Curtis Meyer
- all the collaboration members should invite people to the workshop
- add page to spires conferences ---> done
- add link to JLab calendar ----> request placed
- 11:00 Closeout --- Curtis Meyer
- Weekly Meeting
- we will have our weekely meeting now bi-weekley on We. 10.00 am
- Next two collaboration meetings
- Weekly Meeting
- 10:15 Physics Workshop Update --- Curtis Meyer