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GlueX Collaboration Meeting
May 8, 9 an 10, 2008 at Jefferson Lab
The following template has been set up to allow people to identify what needs to be presented at the meeting. It has been roughly broken out by working group with suggestions for topics within each group. The working group chairs should work on adding the relevant talks with an estimated time (including questions) and the speaker's name. If there is a talk that does not fit into this template, please add it at the bottom.
Everyone participating in the collaboration meeting whether in person at JLab or remotely via electronic media are encouraged to register. One can register on the Registration Page
To see who else will be attending either in person or via electronic media, please see the Current List of Participants Page
Room L102/104
CEBAF Center
Jefferson Lab
Remote Access
ESNET: 8542553
EVO: Room Booked under GlueX
Talks on the DocDB
Thursday May 8, 2008
- 15:00 (15) Opening Remarks -- Curtis Meyer
- 15:15 Session I (90) --- Offline Working Group Meeting --- Chair Curtis Meyer
- (20) Offline Software Status -- D. Lawrence
- (20) GlueX Luminosity Limits -- R. Jones
- (20) Kalman Tracking -- S. Taylor
- (15) Kinematic Fitting -- M. Bellis
- (15) Parametric Calc./Simulation -- M. Ito
- (15) BCAL standalone simulations -- Zisis P.
- 17:00 Collabration Board Meeting (60)
Friday May 9, 2008
- 8:30 (30) Report from the Collaboration Board
- 9:00 Session IIa --- Calorimetry Working Group Meeting --- Chair Paul Eugenio
- 9:00 (10) Calibration Update --- Christina Kourkoumeli
- 9:10 (25) Forward Calorimeter Updates --- Mihajlo Kornicer
- 9:35 (45) BCAL Updates --- George Lolos
- 10:10 (20) SiPM -- Carl Zorn
- 10:30 (15) Coffee Break
- 10:45 (35) Calorimetry Group Discussion
- 11:20 Session IIb --- Tracking Working Group --- Chair George Lolos
- 11:20 (25) Forward Drift Chamber Issues -- Simon Taylor
- 11:45 (25) Central Drift Chamber Issues -- Yves Van Haarlem
- 12:10 (35) Asic Discussion ---Discussion Leader Fernando Barbosa
- 12:45 (75) Lunch Break
- 14:00 Session IIIa --- Review Closeout
- 15:00 Session IIIb --- Photon Beam and Tagger --- Chair: R. Jones
- 15:00 (20) Tagger and Beamline Design -- J. Stewart
- 15:20 (20) Pair Spectrometer Design Proposal -- H. Hakopian
- 15:40 (15) Tagging Near the End Point -- R. Jones
- 15:55 (15) Coffee Break
- 16:10 (25) Beamline Discussion -- Discussion Leader Jim Stewart
- 16:35 Session IIIc --- Trigger --- Chair Elke Aschenauer
- 16:35 (40) Update on the Trigger --- Alex Somov
- 17:15 Session IIIc --- Collaboration Discussion
- 17:15 (45) Upcoming Issues and Deadlines Elke Aschenauer
Saturday May 10
- 9:00 Session IIIa --- Collaboration Business --- Chair George Lolos
- 9:00 (45) Update on the Collaboration + Business -- Curtis
- 9:45 (45) PrimeX Collaboration -- Ashot Gasparian
- 10:30 (15) Close out -- Curtis
- 10:45 Adjorn