GlueX Start Counter Meeting, August 7, 2014
GlueX Start Counter Meeting
Thursday, August 7, 2014
10:00 am EDT
CEBAF Center, Room F326/327
- Announcements
- Review minutes from July 24th meeting
- Schedule Review (all)
- Light Tightening
- Run Documentation Items
- shift instructions
- commissioning plan
- meeting next week: 1-pager
- TDR contribution
- The BlueJeans Meeting ID is 556 286 544 .
- Connect to the Meeting
Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2014-3Q
on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .
- FIU: Werner Boeglin, Eric Pooser
- JLab: Chuck Hutton, Mark Ito (chair), Tim Whitlatch
Approved for Construction
The readiness review was held last Monday, August 4. The start counter was approved for construction. There is a video of the review, which include a tour of the lab at FIU.
We discussed the construction and installation schedule, which is now very tight.
Tim would like to have everything installed in the Hall by September 26. That means that the start counter has to be delivered to the Lab by the first week of September. The FIU team thinks that this is do-able.
Tomorrow, FIU will do a test assembly of the counters on the support structure. After that they will have a clearer picture of the construction schedule.
At JLab, the target cart for the commissioning target has been made. Installation of the arm for supporting the start counter box is underway. Cables have not been strung in the Hall yet.
Light Tightening
We went over the drawings that Chuck sent around two weeks ago. A plastic ring, made of two separate semi-circles, covers the outside of the ST-1 boards. The inner edge of the ST-1s will be sealed against the support with either an O-ring or caulk. There was agreement that the scheme looks good. We will have to start manufacturing of the plastic ring by next week to have it ready for installation in early September.
Run Documentation Items
- Mark put together draft shift instructions last June.
- We have to provide a start counter contribution to the commissioning plan.
- There will be a meeting next Wednesday to present plans for calibration during commissioning. Werner will prepare a slide for the start counter.
- Eric sent in start counter contribution for the TDR some time ago.