GlueX Start Counter Meeting, February 1, 2024
From GlueXWiki
GlueX Start Counter Meeting for KLF
Thursday, February 1, 2024
9:00 am EDT
Meeting information:
Benedikt Zihlmann is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting.
Topic: KLF
KLF Topcis:
- Start Counter
- Last meeting December 4 2023
- available parts to build new start counter
- Current Start Counter requires 30 paddles: 20 paddles (unused are at FIU including mounting ring). status?
- what are the geometric paraters for a Start counter for KLF
- For new Start Counter for KLF:
- JLAB can provide, Drawings, carbon fiber support tube, closed cell foam support structure, mounting hub, electronics PCBs, SiPM sensors.
- KLF colabiration needs to provide: scintillator paddles of appropriate geometry, labor efforts for testing and construction
- Requirements on trigger and DAQ in particular with respect to the Start Counter
present: Simon T., Igor Strakovsky, Vitaly Baturin, Eugene Chudakov, Sean Dobbs, Hovanes E., Moskov A., Michahil Bashkunov, Beni Z,
- KLV will use the current Start Counter as is in the epxeriment
- It has to be demonstrated that the trigger can be set with the current Start Counter
- It needs to be demonstrated that the physics channels mentioned in the proposal can be measured using the standard GlueX detector with the modified trigger that includes the Start counter. In addition it needs to be demonstrated that the proposed physics can be extracted from the data with the necessary efficiencies.
- There will be an ERR-Review in June this year where the above results will be reviewed.
Action Items
Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2024
on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .