GlueX Start Counter Meeting, June 10, 2021
GlueX Start Counter Meeting
Thursday, June 10, 2021
10:00 am EDT
BlueJeans: 556 286 544
- Announcements
- Review of minutes from the last meeting
- Resolution and Calibration
- New mounting design for Start Counter (Igal)
- Action Item Review
Present: Eugene Chudakov, Sean Dobbs, Mark Ito (chair), Igal Jaegle, Simon Taylor, Tim Whitlatch, Beni Zihlmann
There is a recording of this meeting on the BlueJeans site. Use your JLab credentials to gain access.
Review of minutes from the last meeting
We went over the minutes from the meeting on March 18. In response to his inquiries, Mark received the Purchase Requisition for the Start Counter SiPMs from Sasha Somov and the specs of the devices from Fernando Barbosa.
New mounting design for Start Counter
Igal presented an idea for mounting a new μRWELL detector outside the scattering chamber but inside the start counter to give better spatial resolution near the event vertex. He has been working with Simon Taylor, Sean Dobbs, Sergey Furletov, Stuart Ferguson[?], and Kondo Gnanvo. He focused on mechanical design considerations in his presentation. The current configuration of the start counter/target region would not accommodate cables for the detector. Igal proposes moving the start counter 15 cm downstream with respect to the target to open up space for cable penetrations. See his slides for the details.
From the discussion:
- The effect on start counter rates of the move needs to be studied. We have scalar data for GlueX running in the EPICS archive. A test might be necessary to accurately assess the change. Simulation may give an answer as well.
- Tim pointed out that it might be possible to lengthen the aluminum tube the connects holds the start counter and connects it mechanically to the target assembly. Igal pointed out that such an extension would need slots for cable penetration.
Start Counter Use in the Upcoming Run
Beni pointed out that we need to find out if PrimEx and/or SRC have any plans for using the start counter.