GlueX Start Counter Meeting, May 17, 2012
GlueX Start Counter Meeting
Thursday, May 17, 2012
10 am EDT
JLab: ARC 428
- Announcements
- Review minutes from previous meeting
- Prototype Report
- Readout Design
- Simulation
- presentation from previous collaboration meeting [1]
Communication Information
Video Conferencing
- ESNet: 8542553
- EVO:
- Meeting URL:
- Phone Bridge ID: 13 2615
Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2012-2Q
on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .
- FIU: Werner Boeglin, Puneet Khetarpal
- JLab: Fernando Barbosa, Chuck Hutton, Mark Ito (chair), Yi Qiang, Tim Whitlatch, Beni Zihlmann
Puneet is going to start background rates studies with the new updated (30 paddle) geometry.
Mechanical Design
Chuck showed the latest progress on the design. See his slides for various views of the start counter focusing on the read-out area. Realistic drawings of the SiPM read-out boards are now included. Some highlights of the discussion:
- A thermal mat could be used if needed to help cool the boards. Currently it is not in the plan.
- There is spacer shown between the read-out boards for light tightening the counter volume.
- Bolt holes holding the SiPM boards (ST1) to the support tube will serve as positioners.
- A positioning template will be used when scintillators are attached to the foam to guarantee good alighnment with the SiPM's.
- There will be air gap between the scintillator and the SiPMs.
- There is currently a problem with interference of cable connector with support tube. A compromise with the target design will have to be struck.
SiPM Read-Out Boards
Fernando reported that the plan is to send out the design tomorrow. It should be in fabrication by next week.
Prototype News
Two scintillator samples came in from McNeal. One was badly crazed, but the other does not look so bad. Timing tests are next (for the good one).
Werner continues to working on the TDR