Hadronic backgrounds
From GlueXWiki
The hadronic backgrounds are simulated by bggen but as bggen does not interface with Beam properties since it is written in Fortran, the incident photon-bean energy distribution is not following the data set flux distribution. This will be implemented in the near future.
The current simulation can be found here so far only for the off proton case and the Fermi motion is not taken into account
/cache/halld/gluex_simulations/PrimEx-eta-phase-I/bggen-off-proton-16062021 (10M between 6 and 12 GeV for the incident photon-beam)
/cache/halld/gluex_simulations/PrimEx-eta-phase-I/bggen-off-proton-17062021 (10M between 6 and 12 GeV for the incident photon-beam)