January 21, 2014
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Time and Place
Tuesday January 21, 2014 at 1:30pm
To connect from the outside, please use ESNET or SeeVogh
- ) ESNET: 8542553
- ) SeeVogh: A conference has been booked under "GlueX Trigger Working Group" from 1:00pm until 3:00pm (EDT).
- ) To phone into an SeeVogh meeting, from the U.S. call (626) 395-2112 and then enter the EVO meeting code, 159726.
- ) To use the SeeVogh Java script use the SeeVogh link.
- Announcements
- Tagging calibration data "streams" in Level-3
- Recommendations from software review report:
- We recommend the inclusion of calibration in the data challenges. Demonstration of a functional prompt calibration loop will be an important element of achieving rapid extraction of physics results.
- Event tagging in the HLT is recommended as a mechanism for separating calibration data samples into streams for use in a prompt calibration loop.
- Requesting feedback from detector groups on what calibration data samples might be useful
- Recommendations from software review report:
- Level-3 Trigger Update
- Collaboration Meeting
- The tentative schedule is to have three talks from Chris (Trigger Electronics), Alex (L1), and Justin (L3)
- Tagging calibration data "streams" in Level-3
- As discussed in the calibration meeting, the detector groups are requested to start compiling a list of the types of data samples that would be useful for calibration
- Curtis suggested a presentation on what other experiments do (eg. LHCb) would be useful
- In terms of implementation we discussed a couple of options:
- Setting a flag in the data stream for events which would be useful for calibration
- Writing events useful for calibration to separate data files (which could be processed quickly by calibrators online, if desired)
- From previous discussions with the DAQ group it seems that writing events to multiple streams is possible, but it hasn't been done previously.
- For the spring online data challenge, the plan will be to implement the event flagging in the data stream and postpone the writing of events to separate streams until later
- As discussed in the calibration meeting, the detector groups are requested to start compiling a list of the types of data samples that would be useful for calibration
- Level-3 Trigger Update
- Justin presented an update on the L3 algorithm by improving the track momentum resolution using wire-based tracking
- The track momentum resolution is dramatically improved with wire-based tracking for polar angles < 15 degrees
- The momentum resolution is noticeably worse for tracks in the CDC with DTrackWireBased relative to DTrackCandidates which has been seen before (by Simon) and is unexpected and not understood
- Using wire-based tracking for this subset of the track candidates will moderately increase in CPU time while improving the performance of the trigger to ~95% efficiency
- The plan is to test this algorithm on the online nodes in the counting house to get better estimates of CPU performance for different tracking options and BDT staging
- Justin presented an update on the L3 algorithm by improving the track momentum resolution using wire-based tracking