July 17, 2007 Software

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  1. Review minutes from June 5, 2007 Software meeting
  2. Radiation Length scans (David)
  3. Calibration Constants in JANA (David)
  4. Package Management (David)
  5. Action Items
    • Sofware flowchart: PDF


Cebaf Center F324-325

To connect by telephone: 1.) dial:

800-377-8846 : US
888-276-7715 : Canada
302-709-8424 : International

2.) enter participant code: 39527048# (remember the "#")

We may have a VRVS connection depending if the equipment is in good working order. No guarantees.


Attendees: David L.(chair), Mark I., Elliott W., Elton S., Simon T., Mike W. On the Phone: Benni , Matt S., Matt B., Zisis P., Andrei S.


Radiation Length scans

David showed recent additions to the DMCTrajectoryPoint data structure that allows one to use it to do a radiation length scan of the detector as defined in HDGeant. The most recent additions also allow storage of the active mechanism for the step as well as the primary track number from which this track ulitmately originated. The allowable values of the TRAJ card in the control.in file were expanded to allow one to specify storing only birth and death points for primary tracks, secondary tracks, or both.

Two recipes were presented for doing radiation length scans with hdgeant. One used DANA and ROOT, the other used PAW and HBOOK. Details for both are given on the wiki page: HOWTO do a Radiation Length Scan.

Calibration Constants in JANA

David presented a system for reading in calibration constants in JANA. The API is designed in such a way that it should support real database access on the backend. Currently, the only medium that is implemented is having the constants in flat ascii files on the local file system.

Some discussion was had about having the "context" be included in the directory structure. Specifically, the design presented had a directory called "default" at the top of the calibration directory tree. The general consensus was to remove that since its functionality could be implemented in the URL just as easily. David voiced his dissent and mumbled something about "short-sightedness" before relenting to the will of the group and reluctantly agreeing to remove it.

Package Management

deferred until a later meeting

Software Flowchart

Benni showed a flow chart of the GlueX software he made while becoming familiar with the system. Most notably missing was any connection between the constants used by hdgeant and the constants used in the reconstruction. This is now being addressed by the newly implemented calibration database.

Action Items

  1. Put updated collaboration list in DocDB and commit list to repository (Zisis)
  2. Develop system for incorporating alternative b-fields in simulation (Richard and David)
  3. Look at recent FDC geometry changes (Richard)
  4. Create an easy way to produce radiation length plots and document it (David)
  5. Review the digitization scheme(s) we have now and figure out how to make them more coherent (??)
  6. Remove "default" from calibration file directory path(David)
  7. Tie HDGeant and DANA constants to single source (David)
  8. Output configuration parameters database from DANA