Mar 27, 2014 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET (Number is 8542553) and SeeVogh session (GlueX Calorimetry meeting room)
- Phone connection only upon request.
- +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
- +1-303-248-0285 : International
- then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
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Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Videoconference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
Provide short summary of constants and their use in determination of the sampling fraction (David)Move to reconstruction meeting -
Prepare a plan for cosmic-ray testing including external counters (Zisis)Elton, Mark, Zisis and Will have a working system now using the Qweak counters.
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Monitoring
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- TDR update
- Calibration
- Any other business
Attendees: Elton, John, Mark, David, Ilya Larin, Yi (JLab); Christina, Pavlos, George (Athens); Shaun, Zisis, Andrei (UofR); Matt (IU)
- Announcements
- UofR travel: Andrei and Irina will be at JLab Apr 15-30
- UofR students will arrive in early May for the summer
- Action Items
- Monitoring
- Problem shooting detector components
- About 100 problems identified and all addressed in the first round.
- Yesterday the DAQ was restored partially and a new list of issues generated containing about 20 problems.
- The breakdown of these problems is approximately evenly divided in four categories: connectors, pmt/bases, adcs, poor connections. Essentially all problems on this second list have been fixed.
- Zisis: How many failures has resulted from fixes to initial list? John: Very few ~1%.
- Upgrades to DAQ system have created broken systems till yesterday
- Backing out some of the latest changes has resulted in a partially restored DAQ system yesterday to continue work on the detector
- A robust DAQ system is still a work in progress
- Monitoring
- Orlando has written a GUI for the FCAL monitoring system to control pulsing.
- The GUI is now being used routinely by the FCAL group.
- Problem shooting detector components
- Triggers (Zisis)
- Two Qweak counters (200x30 cm2) have been installed above and below the magnet. Will McGinley (CMU) has been helping in this effort.
- They have been timed in and voltages adjusted go generate a cosmic-ray trigger. The coincidences are generated using NIM logic in the south crates.
- Cables have been run from the pulser to the north and south crates (to connect to TI, functioning as a trigger supervisor for 6 crates), and the trigger supervisor (TS) crate
- Cables have been run from the cosmic-ray trigger to the north and to the TS.
- The cable runs to the TS are for future use when we the global trigger is used.
- Data (Elton and Mark). See HDBCAL log book
- Presently only the upstream end of the BCAL is functional.
- Data in a single crate were taken for module 13. Preliminary plots are shown in the log entry 3276998.
- The crate included inputs from modules 13-18, although only modules 13-16 were powered. However, an update to the firmware caused the translation tables to ignore all but module 13. (The full data is now recovered using updated software).
- At the moment only single crate operation is possible.
- Mark will help take data this afternoon to include both upstream and downstream readouts.
- Multi-crate operation will take additional time. It is unclear whether the timeline is days or weeks.
- Downstream readouts
- The chiller for the south is not yet operational, but it is being worked on today. It should be available before the weekend.
- Elton and Will started looking at the signals from the south yesterday and discovered several problems, which are being addressed one at a time.
- Chris and Nick checked out a large fraction of the signals from the downstream south side this morning. They should be ready for an initial look this afternoon.
- Triggers (Zisis)
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- This activity has not seen much progress
- Teigan will be returning this summer as a masters student and will be tasked with advancing the reconstruction this summer
- TDR update
- During his visit last week, Zisis and Elton reviewed the information that was in the repository.
- Based on the discussion, Zisis trimmed down the document and created a new draft.
- Elton will edit and revise the new sections as necessary. This version will provide a good basis for a draft to pass on to Mike Dugger before the collaboration meeting.
- No update. Elton noted that our goal is to have a draft for circulation at the collaboration meeting, which is needed to support summer reviews.
- Calibration
- Any other business
- Zisis asked about the temperature/humidity interlock system for the BCAL operation
- Elton: Dave Butler has implemented a system that uses the following inputs: chiller flow controllers, BCAL RTD temperatures, BCAL humidity monitors. If the temperature gets too cold or too hot, the algorithm will presently turn off the chiller and the power to the crates. All the signals are in the PLC, so a more sophisticated algorithm can be implemented if nuisance trips are shutting down the system.
- The present status is that the system is deployed, but the interlock signals to the MPOD crates do not provide sufficient current and substitute modules are on order. These should be implemented shortly.
- Zisis asked about the temperature/humidity interlock system for the BCAL operation