March 1, 2013 Installation
Meeting Time and Place
Friday, March 1, 2013 at 1:30 PM At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326
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Up to GlueX/Hall-D Installation Meetings
Action Items From Last Meeting
- Tim will present the overall installation schedule. We agreed this would be a standing agenda item.
- Matt and Curtis will develop a plan and set of requirements for the FCAL and CDC respectively. We will review this at the meeting, and, if it is good, we will circulate to other detector groups to have them produce a similar list.
- Alex will prepare slides discussing what types of trigger configurations may be available for initial commissioning.
- Announcements
- Installation Schedule (Tim)
- CDC Installation Plan (Curtis)
- FCAL Installation Plan ( Draft schedule from Elton) (Matt)
- Trigger Configurations (Alex)
CMU: Curtis, Naomi IU: Matt UConn: Jim JLab: Hovanes, Elliott, Tim, Mark, John, Dan, Elton
Tim reviewed the construction schedule that was presented at the collaboration meeting. The installation of the pair spectrometer is missing from this schedule. Details of the FDC and CDC installation need to be sorted out since there is significant overlap both in time and space and resources with these activities.
Curtis presented an overview of CDC installation plans. There was much discussion about interleaving the CDC and FDC activities. This will be more closely examined.
Trigger strategies were discussed. The CDC would like to start with standalone triggering first using NIM electronics and paddles to derive a trigger. This will eventually progress to using the BCAL for a trigger. The latter step requires BCAL self-triggering mode, which is under development.
Solenoid mapping may be done in April or July. Many uncertainties are left: how many points to map? what precision is needed? should the forward carriage be put in place? Tim agreed to organize a meeting to work out the details and will report back in two weeks.
Matt briefly showed the draft schedule for the FCAL that Elton is developing as part of rebaselining the installation plan. The desired capabilities for commissioning the FCAL is the ability to pulse the monitoring system and read out up to two crates simultaneously.
Action Items:
- FDC and CDC will discuss installation details (Lubomir, Curtis, and Naomi)
- Tim will organize solenoid mapping meeting
- Matt and Elton will iterate on FCAL schedule
- Sascha will produce a Wiki page documenting various commissioning trigger configurations
- Matt will contact Fernando so that he can present the electronics schedule at the next meeting (March 15)