Oct 23, 2012 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET (Number is 8542553) and EVO session (GlueX Calorimetry meeting room)
- Phone connection only upon request.
- +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
- +1-303-248-0285 : International
- then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
- or www.readytalk.com (and code without the #)
Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Videoconference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
- Fcal
- Add beam hole for the ABS upstream cover. (Matt)
- Simulation
- Add up-to-date geometry for plexiglass pane and TOF detector and rerun simulation to check photon reconstruction (Elton to see if Beni or Richard can add the geometry)
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Monitoring
- USM update
- SiPM Update (Javiera)
- TDR update
- Instructions for the TDR (You must be logged into the wiki to access this page).
- Calibration of Calorimeters
- Any other business
Attendees: Christina, George V. (Athens), Beni, David, Yi, Eugene, John L. (JLab), Will, Javiera, Francisco, Alam, Orlando, Hayk (USM), Shaun, Andrei, Zisis (Regina)
- Announcements: None
- Review of Action Items
- FCAL Beam hole: no report.
- Simulation to include updated TOF and plexiglas: no progress.
- Monitoring (Christina)
- BCAL: Athens has prepared a new plot with the intensity of all 4000 LEDs. Those are all tested. 1000 of the units have been binned according to intensity. The next group of 1000 will be done over the next couple of weeks.
- FCAL: the 1/4 size plexiglas pane will be set up in a dark room and covered with black cloths, as it does not fit in the dark box. 5+5 BCAL mini boards with long cables have been prepared for testing the plexiglas, as FCAL components are not available yet. The set up for these tests is proceeding and measurements should not take long.
- FCAL (email report from Matt)
- The final components for the CW bases will ship to IU very soon... today... hopefully.
- John Frye has sent a drawing package to Tim to review. The package covers just the frame of the main part of the darkroom. It is the load bearing part since it holds the cable mass over the head of whomever is in the darkroom. Tim has received this and will review it.
- USM update (Javiera)
- Update on the MPPC testing was shown (see above link),. Measurement of all available units has finished in Stage 2. 1800 units have been sent to JLab so far; another 280 will be soon. An invoicing issue with Hamamatsu (over the 10 extra units) has been resolved and the final shipment is expected soon.
- Fransisco reported on the light guide progress. 160 were sent to JLab last Tuesday and another 400 last Friday. Next Monday another 400 will go, and 400 every Monday following that. Machining and polishing continue to go smoothly. A friendly race is under way between USM and Athens! :-)
- Shaun has remeasured one 2010 SiPM and verified Andrei's results from last week. The breakdown voltage for those units appears indeed to be quite close to that documented by Hamamatsu. Measurements continue and we expect to show results next Tuesday.
- TDR update
- Instructions for the TDR (You must be logged into the wiki to access this page).
- Christina has sent some text and photos (related to the BCAL monitoring) to Zisis for inclusion into the TDR. Zisis will resume work on this in November.
- Calibration of Calorimeters: no activity
- Simulations: David has work on the back burner, waiting for Andrei's results. Andrei will communicate this afternoon (offline) with David to discuss the thresholds. The results appear to be strongly dependent on them.
- Any other business:
- Communications were discussed again. During the meeting Will connected using Xmeeting, from CERN. Audio quality was quite good. Folks are encouraged to send communication tools and ideas to David for inclusion on to the reserved Wiki page. Upon evaluation and a decision by the collaboration, Curtis will communicate with the JLab IT dept, if needed, to open up dedicated ports for the chosen app.