Oct 29, 2009 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET and EVO session
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Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
- Bcal
Web page needs to be setup for communications. - Run MC to investigate changes in resolution due to different fiber attenuation length and light output.
- Bcal readout
- JLab will investigate purchasing some prototypes from Plastic Craft.
- USM will investigate options for producing prototypes in Chile.
Documents to Review
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Calibration/Monitoring
- Fcal
- RFP response submitted
- CR for rad hard glass
- PMT procurement
- Bcal
- Readiness Review Schedule
- Construction Status
- Fibre QA: Shipments 1-5
- BCAL Readout
- SiPM testing
- Light guide prototypes.
- Simulations
- Other business
Attendees: Elton, Beni, Fernando, Eugene, Sasha, John (JLab); Zisis, George, Andrei (UofR); Matt, Ryan (IU)
- Announcements
- FIU will have an openning for a bridge position with JLab with a preference for work in Hall D and announcements have been sent around.
- Review of Action Items
- Calibration/Monitoring
- No report
- Fcal
- RFP response submitted to JLab. Full FASTTRACK schedule has been implemented, as well as draft QA plan. Additional work is needed on identifying space needs, documentaion and logging procedures. The goal is to track everything electronically.
- CR for rad hard glass. We might wish to submit a change request to add Rad Hard glass to the project to coincide with changes to the project due to the fabrication contract. But we need the number of rad hard glass blocks needed.
- Ryan: Analysis of radiation damage is essentially complete, but there remains some uncertainty in maching "machine units" to rads.
- PMT procurement. There has been quite a few e-mail exchanges with Russian contacts by Sasha and Eugene to determine the availability of pmts that would be used to replace missing pmts. These are nominally FEU-84-3 pmts (box-grid 12-stage dynodes). There are several options for replacement (in order of preference):
- Purchase new FEU-84-3 pmts. This may require starting up an old production line, and there are differing opinions on how easy this will be.
- Obtain old existing FEU-84-3, although we have heard that about 1/4 of stored pmts are extremely noisy or dead.
- Purchase a different model pmt with the same dimensions. Possibilities that have been offered are the FEU-85 (not best quality and not recommended) and FEU-115 (linear focused 12 stage). This later tube has been used for the Hall B E-counters, but electron collection efficiency is poor and can charge up the glass if the glass conductivity is very poor. So careful monitoring is poor.
- Sasha's father has been in contact with Sergey Denisov and he has promised to get back to us in a week or so.
- Readiness Review
- Schedule and Agenda are nearly final
- Seven documents have been uploaded to DocDB; a few more will be uploaded by tomorrow.
- Construction Status
- Construction Prototype is machined and back at UofR. An inspection was done at Ross on Thursday: nice! (Minus the serpentine effect). Will be uncrated today and placed on "horse" for optical testing. Inserts will be installed by Friday.
- Ross Machine Shop:
- Al bases plates with inserts and bars for first 2 modules at UofR by tomorrow. All 48 being machined now, 50-70 working days.
- 5 top (inner) plates already here.
- Alignment pins, bushings, inserts in the pipeline.
- Shipments: next lead and fibre shipments are scheduled for early next week; ready to receive them. We have 8.3 gallon epoxy kits one hand; enough for first two production modules. 10 more have been orderd for early December, 20 more for the end of year.
- Spare parts: are on hand plus list for swager has been sent to JLab (outside contract)
- New storage for lead has been identified (College Avenue Campus) and will be inspected today. This will add to the shelving space in two satellite rooms (LB113.1 and .2), the hallways, the loading dock, our garages at home! Fibres always stay in LB127 or PB113.
- Press 1 and Swager operating nominally.
- Press 2 now has its pistons and pressure lines installed. Today/tomorrow we will get the control plate and locking pins. Press operational by tomorrow.
- 305 lead sheets have been swaged (we need 360 for two modules).
- Fibre QA. Shipment 5 analysis is done. Plots on pages 8, 9, 10, 11 of GlueX-doc-1366 will be updated by tomorrow; final report on Shipment 1-5 early next week, then feedback to Kuraray.
- New BCAL web site
- Readiness Review
- BCAL Readout
- SiPM testing.
- Ten units received from Hamamatsu. Fernando has fabricated the electronic boards and mounted them. Checking pulses on the scope shows good response, 2 mV noise levels, and proper operation till beyond 20 MHz. The capacipance per about 5.1 nF/arrray. He will post two notes on the portal 1) general parameters of sensors 2) measurements of delivered units.
- Carl is in Orlando at the IEEE conference and was scheduled to meet with Hamamatsu and SensL reps.
- Light guide prototypes.
- SiPM testing.
- Simulations
- Andrei, Irena and Blake are preparing to run tests to check the systematics of using fibers of differing properties within the matrix. This will help select the mix fibers for use each detector module.
- Eugene noted that one should try to randomize fibers and avoid macroscopic areas with fibers with systematically different performance than neighboring areas.
- Zisis et al will propose the selection of fibers for the first two modules and comments can be made offline in preparation for the Review next week.
- Other business