Omega background (produced in the target and downstream the beam line)
From GlueXWiki
Old simulation
1M events for each runs are thrown, the incident photon-energy distribution follows the run flux distribution
- Off proton
- Off proton
- Off neutron
- Off proton & neutron
Downstream the beamline means at the location where the FDC is the beamline
New simulation
g He4 to w He4 and w to gpi0 (2019-01 and 2022-08) or w to pi0pippim (2022-08)
In target
rp-2019-01-10122024-rdm-bkg-80M-omega (10M thrown between 0 and 5 degree) rp-2022-08-30122024-rdm-bkg-80M-omega (10M thrown between 0 and 5 degree)
rp-2022-08-18122024-rdm-bkg-80M-omega-at-1st-FDC-pack (10M thrown between 0 and 5 degree at the 1st FDC package)