Pi0 Polarizability Meeting Aug 30, 2019
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Meeting Information
Meeting Time And Location
10:00 am ET (JLab time)
CC F228
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Action Items
- Contact Dai regarding the pi0pi0 proposal (Elton).
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Wiki pages moved to open repository
- Action Items
- Lingyun Dai, Hunan University: Changsha, Hunan, CN (dailingyun@hnu.edu.cn)
- PAC 47
- TAC Physics Comments
- One-pion exchange contribution (C-parity conservation?)
- Eliminating contributions from iso-scalar resonances (experiment)
- Sensitivity of cross sections to polarizability (theory)
- Corrections due to photon virtuality (theory)
- email from Elton and Mark to PAC Reviewer Steve Dytman. Homework to prepare for a proposal (Questions not answered by the LOI):
- So far we have only qualitatively investigated backgrounds, but do not find any particular reactions that have not been considered for pi0 and pi+pi- Primakoff reactions. Detailed studies needed.
- Determine how backgrounds will affect the determination of the pi0pi0 Primakoff cross section.
- Evaluate sensitivity to run time. Need to justify requested beam time.
- Develop the case for measuring pi0pi0 production at threshold aside from the determination of the polarizability.
- PAC47 Report
- TAC Physics Comments
- Other business
- Next meeting
Attending: David, Elton, Jose, Ilya, Beni, Mark (JLab); Rory (UConn); Svetlana, Aleks (MU)
- Announcements
- Wiki pages moved to open repository
- Action Items
- Lingyun Dai, Hunan University: Changsha, Hunan, CN (dailingyun@hnu.edu.cn)
- PAC 47
- TAC Physics Comments
- One-pion exchange contribution (C-parity conservation?)
- Jose: there is a chiral g -> pi+pi-pi0, but not g -> pi0 pi0 pi0.
- Eliminating contributions from iso-scalar resonances (experiment)
- Sensitivity of cross sections to polarizability (theory)
- Corrections due to photon virtuality (theory)
- Jose: There are two issues 1) virtuality of exchanged photon 2) re-scattering effects in the target.
- One-pion exchange contribution (C-parity conservation?)
- email from Elton and Mark to PAC Reviewer Steve Dytman. Homework to prepare for a proposal (Questions not answered by the LOI):
- So far we have only qualitatively investigated backgrounds, but do not find any particular reactions that have not been considered for pi0 and pi+pi- Primakoff reactions. Detailed studies needed.
- Ilya: Primakoff eta data taken this spring might be useful to check backgrounds. Calibration is at the 1% level. No pi0 seen in the CompCal.
- Determine how backgrounds will affect the determination of the pi0pi0 Primakoff cross section.
- Evaluate sensitivity to run time. Need to justify requested beam time.
- Ilya: We should consider both running time and which targets to use. Different targets will have different sensitivities to background. Having multiple targets will allow studies of systematics. Primakoff-eta was originally proposed on H and He, but now consideration is given to using Carbon instead of H. But possible contamination of data with transitions to excited states of Carbon were a concern.
- Beni: Need to minimize the amount of vacuum near the target to eliminate sources that don't come from the target since we do not measure the vertex.
- Mark: Note that once the experiment is decoupled from CPP, one may wish to optimize not only targets, but also beam energy or other parameters.
- Ilya: It is useful to have as much commonality with CPP as possible for reasons of comparison. For example pi+pi- rescattering to pi0pi0 makes these reactions interconnected.
- Develop the case for measuring pi0pi0 production at threshold aside from the determination of the polarizability.
- Elton: It would be useful to develop a physics case for a precision measurement at threshold in addition to its sensitivity to polarizability.
- So far we have only qualitatively investigated backgrounds, but do not find any particular reactions that have not been considered for pi0 and pi+pi- Primakoff reactions. Detailed studies needed.
- PAC47 Report
- Other business
- Next meeting
- We will continue meeting at 10 am on Friday and we will meet bi-weekly. Next meeting is Sep 13.