PrimEx-eta analysis run lists
The integrated photon flux/luminosity can be extracted for any given beam energy range using the ROOT macro here: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/photon_flux/GetIntegratedFlux_PrimEx.C This macro takes the phase number (1, 2, or 3) and the minimum and maximum desired beam energies as inputs.
- Example: root -l -b -q 'GetIntegratedFlux_PrimEx.C(1, 8.0, 10.9)'
The program will sum the flux for each run included in the run list files, which is determined by the provided 'phase' number. The run lists for each phase are provided below. The (PS-acceptance-corrected) flux, as well as the endpoint energies, and scaled energy range tables were previously obtained from the ccdb using the "default" variation, and stored in text files. In the future, this program should be updated to retrieve that information at runtime from the database, instead of reading it from pre-made text files.
- PrimEx-eta Phase 1 (2019-01):
- Full target runs: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase1/he_full_nobfield.txt
- Empty target runs: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase1/he_empty_nobfield.txt
- Integrated Photon Flux between 8.0-10.9 GeV: 1.12093e+13
- Integrated Luminosity: 6.0620 pb-1
- Fraction of photon flux on filled target to empty target: 4.9659
- PrimEx-eta Phase 2 (2021-08):
- Full target runs:
- B field on: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase2/he_full_bfield.txt
- B field off: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase2/he_full_nobfield.txt
- Empty target runs:
- B field on: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase2/he_empty_bfield.txt
- B field off: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase2/he_empty_nobfield.txt
- Integrated Photon Flux between 8.0-10.9 GeV:
- Integrated Luminosity:
- Fraction of photon flux on filled target to empty target:
- Full target runs:
- PrimEx-eta Phase 3 (2022-08):
- Full target runs: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase3/he_full_bfield.txt
- Empty target runs: /work/halld/home/andrsmit/primex_eta_analysis/run_lists/phase3/he_empty_bfield.txt
- Integrated Photon Flux between 8.0-10.9 GeV:
- Integrated Luminosity:
- Fraction of photon flux on filled target to empty target: