Run Coordinator report: Fall 2018 w11

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We were scheduled to receive 161 hours of beam and received 104, with 98 of those acceptable. The largest period of downtime was caused by a vacuum pump failing in the photon beamline in the tagger hall. It has been replaced.

Special tasks completed during the week include:

CompCal installation continued during scheduled downtimes, controls were tested and nitrogen flow connected; Test run with coherent Bremsstrahlung peak at 7GeV instead of the usual 9GeV, and low beam current, in preparation for low photon energy studies; Test run with the Pair Spectrometer at half its usual field, also in preparation for low photon energy studies; TAC run with low Pair Spectrometer field setting was in progress on Wednesday when my week as RC ended.

During the week we collected a total of 12.7 E9 production triggers.