Run Coordinator report: Fall 2021 w7

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We started the week with the accelerator down. Beam delivery started at 01:20 on Thursday morning. We resumed production at 200nA on the He target, with the solenoid on. This continued until 14:30 on Friday, when the arc 7 magnet MYBBS04 that directs beam towards Hall D tripped, with a ground fault. This was eventually traced to a leak in a LCW pipe dripping onto the magnet and causing a short. After fixing the leak on Monday, the magnet was most unfortunately reconnected with its power cables switched, following some outdated labels from the 6GeV era, and this was not discovered until an access was made to inspect it on Tuesday. Beam to Hall D was restored at 15:30 on Tuesday and production running resumed. The target experts attended to a little trouble with the target density, and Lubomir had to make a short access to restart the FDC chiller, but otherwise our production running was smooth.

Work carried out during the long access at the start of the week included a position survey of CCAL, magnetic field measurements around CCAL, replacement of FCAL bases, replacement of the FDC chiller and adding extra shielding to the PS. Outstanding issues are the noise in BCAL (which may have been fixed by the PS shielding, we will know that after the next empty target run) and bleedthrough.