Run Coordinator report: Fall 2021 w8

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RC summary for the week Oct 27 - Nov 03 :

We started this week with PrimeX production runs using the full liquid helium target and collected ~2400M events before the target was emptied on Friday afternoon. During these days we were facing only minor issues from our side such as necessary reboots of the TAGH2 crate due to frozen scaler values or problems with monitoring processes and RootSpy, which could be resolved by the shift crews and/or the experts. From the accelerator side we were lucky to have very stable beam conditions and had only one longer downtime on Wednesday, when a magnet shunt module needed to be replaced (~2.5hr).

On friday afternoon we emptied the target and continued running over the weekend with the empty target cell. About 1500M events were recorded in this experiment condition. The Halloween-night shift faced an increased frequency of accelerator RF trips, but otherwise the experiment was running smoothly. During the empty target run we were able to verify that a feature that was observed earlier in the run in the BCAL occupancy plots indeed was cured by additional shielding that was added downstream of the PS. Although the additional shielding was installed already several days ago, it could only be checked if the feature was gone once we started running with the empty target.

After the weekend, the target was filled, which cost us about 2 hours, and we continued taking data until the start of the accelerator maintenance day on Wednesday morning, which resulted in about 1800M recorded events. During these days we were facing similar issues as in the previous week (RootSpy restarts, TAGH scalers), which only cost us only very little of our beam time.

Although the last run planning meeting of my term as RC was effectfully interrupted by a tripped water sensor in the tagger service building (false alarm), which caused the fire brigade to evacuate us from the counting house, overall we were able to collect good quality data with only minor issues.