Run Planning Meeting Notes, Feb 06-Feb 12, 2020
From GlueXWiki
Wednesday, February 12
- Last 24 hours
- Production runs @350nA
- Harp scans
- Re-calibration of Hall D ion chamber for AMO (see reports)
- 5.1B evts collected
- No beam since ~08:00
- Hall currently in controlled access
- Beni went into hall to work on CDC boards
- Issues
- Reports
- Harp scans: 5C11, 5C11B, HALO:T:electron:tag
- Re-calibration Hall D ion chamber [4], [5]
- Plans for today
- When beam is back: Production runs @350nA
- RC weekly report (coming soon)
- Acknowledgements: Thanks to the hall D crew (staff, operators, shift takers, ..), MCC and RadCon
Tuesday, February 11
- Last 24 hours
- Beam taken away at 08:30
- Work in hall
- Walkthrough
- Beam was availabe at 12:30 -> Continued production runs @350nA
- 3.8B evts collected
- Beam taken away at 08:30
- Issues
- FDCHit Wire time ([6]) -> Observed only in runs: 71774-71777
- Reports
- Plans for today
- Harp scans
- Production runs @350nA
- Wednesday during day shift: Polarization change for Hall A ([9])
Monday, February 10
- Last 72 hours
- Friday
- Beam sent to hall around 08:30
- Harp scans
- Prodcution runs @350nA until 23:50 -> no beam until the next morning
- Saturday
- Beam sent to hall around 12:00
- Harp scans (requested by MCC)
- Prodcution runs @350nA
- Found high rates in high photon tagger counter (see issues)
- Had to request beam tune -> Unusal tagger rates + ION chamber trips (see: [10])
- Sunday
- Prodcution runs @350nA
- Harp scans
- Collected ~6.5B evts over the weekend
- Friday
- Issues
- Variation in PS and main trigger rates over the weekend ([11],[12],[13])
- High rates in high photon tagger counters (energy distribution, harp scan electron, harp scan gamma, epics after tune)
- Reports
- Plans for today
- Beam off, starting 08:30
- Continue production runs once beam is back
Friday, February 7
- Last 24 hours
- Production runs @350nA until 14:00
- Hovanes worked on diamond position for JD70-105 0/90 (see reports)
- Continued data taking until 18:15
- Connection issues with rocDIRC -> Bill, Sergey and network expert on call had to work until late night to fix the problem
- Accelerator crew was having network issues too
- Hall went into beam permit around 1:15am
- Accelerator crew having trouble with control system (see issues)
- Issues
- Reports
- Plans for today
- Production runs
- Access to hall ?
- Plan(s) for next week
- Monday: Hall A will change setup for pol. meas. -> No beam from ~ 8:00 on (see: [28])
- No meeting this weekend -> Next meeting: Monday, Feb 10
Thursday, February 6
- Last 24 hours
- Beam was sent to hall at 19:51
- Harp scans (see reports for details)
- Production runs @ 350nA
- Collected 1.8B events
- Issues
- DIRC temperature alarm (resolved, see: [29])
- Swing shift reported coherent peak for JD70-105 0/90 PARA to be unusually wide -> No such observations for other settings
- Reports
- Harp scan results: acc: 5C11,acc: 5C11B, Hall D: TAGH
- Test of DIRC communication algorithm (see: [30])
- Missing optical links in DIRC (see: [31])
- Plans for today
- Production runs