Run Planning Meeting Notes, January 12 - January 18, 2023
From GlueXWiki
Meetings are via ZoomGov: connect (Meeting ID: 160 199 0060 / Passcode 8394)
Hall D counting room white board
Back to Run Coordination Meetings:Fall2022
Wednesday, January 18
Past 24 hours
- Continued comissioning phase
- Trigger studies
- Harp scan: convergence looks good
- Raw mode data
- Trigger studies
- Took amorphous data
- Took empty target data (225 M triggers)
- Target empty right now
- To-do
- Diamond alignment
- Sergey set up PHYSICS_DIRC RUN tag; has latest trigger conf files been linked?
- Shift Summary
- ABUs: 11.8 h
- Accelerator maintenance day.
- Link to runplan:
- Align diamonds
Tuesday, January 17
Past 24 hours
- Continued comissioning phase
- During access to tagger, tagger dropped to restricted
- down for most of the day
- diamond alignment could not get completed
- some trigger and TAGH work by Sasha and Richard, will continue today
- Did CDC HV scan at 250 nA & 350 nA
- To-do
- Diamond alignment
- Complete L1 trigger ??
- Shift Summary
- [ Day Friday]
- [ Swing Friday]
- [ Owl Friday/Saturday]
- [ Early Riser Saturday]
- ABUs: xx h
- Data Summary:
- Accelerator takes a pause to fix limit on combined current.
Link to runplan:
- Items left
Monday, January 16
Past 24 hours
- Continued comissioning phase
- Photon flux optimization and Active Collimator calibration.
- microscope alignment with motor
- microscope HV scan
- Reestablish L1 trigger; partially
- To-do
- Diamond alignment
- Complete L1 trigger
- PS and TAGH HV Scan
- once at 350 nA, redo CDC HV scan
- Shift Summary
- [ Day Friday]
- [ Swing Friday]
- [ Owl Friday/Saturday]
- [ Early Riser Saturday]
- ABUs: 0.0 h
- Data Summary: ~0 B triggers on empty target
- 320 nA beam limit on beam authorization
- FCAL HV trips while trying to do detector calibrations with beam on profiler
- Covid incident levels high; mass wearing onsite mandatory
- We are
- Link to runplan:
- Items left
- Photon transmission and active collimator calibration (happening ri=Sunday, January 15=
Past 24 hours
- Started comissioning phase
- Shift Summary
- [ Day Friday]
- [ Swing Friday]
- [ Owl Friday/Saturday]
- [ Early Riser Saturday]
- ABUs: 0.0 h
- Data Summary: ~0 B triggers on empty target
- 320 nA beam limit on beam authorization
- FCAL HV trips while trying to do detector calibrations with beam on profiler
- Covid incident levels high; mass wearing onsite mandatory
- We are
- Link to runplan:
- Items left
- Photon transmission and active collimator calibration (happening ri
Sunday, January 15
Past 24 hours
- Started comissioning phase
- Shift Summary
- [ Day Friday]
- [ Swing Friday]
- [ Owl Friday/Saturday]
- [ Early Riser Saturday]
- ABUs: 0.0 h
- Data Summary: ~0 B triggers on empty target
- 320 nA beam limit on beam authorization
- FCAL HV trips while trying to do detector calibrations with beam on profiler
- Covid incident levels high; mass wearing onsite mandatory
- We are
- Link to runplan:
- Items left
- Photon transmission and active collimator calibration (happening ri
Saturday, January 14
Past 24 hours
- first beam that registers on BCM to hall on Friday at 23:00
- since then on and off again tuned beam to tagger hall but no usable beam yet
- observe frequent halo counter trips
- Shift Summary
- ABUs: 0.0 h
- Data Summary: ~0 B triggers on empty target
- Covid incident levels high; mass wearing onsite mandatory
- We are still at the very to of our run plan; item 3, ion chamber calibrations is first step
- Link to runplan:
- There will be 9 am meetings with PD over the weekend, followed by a brief run coordination meeting at 9:30 pm
- Fill target once beam delivery starts.
Friday, January 13
Past 24 hours
- HCO and last preps finished shortly after 5 pm
- No beam to hall yet
- Shift Summary
- ABUs: 0.0 h
- Data Summary: ~0 B triggers on empty target
- Run Control did not work last night when crew tried cosmic data; lost a sock
- Covid incident levels high; expect notofaction of mask mandate, or better start wearing one now.
- We are still at the very to of our run plan; item 3, ion chamber calibrations is first step
- Link to runplan:
- There will be 9 am meetings with PD; should we have a meetings over the weekend as well?
- Ramp up magnet?
- Fill target?