Run Planning Meeting Notes, July 28- August 3, 2022
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Meeting are via ZoomGov: connect (Meeting ID: 160 199 0060 / Passcode 8394)
Hall D counting room white board
Wednesday August 3
Past 24 hours
- Beam returns @ 10:00, take AMO run
- Switched to empty target @ 10:40
- Beam down since midnight due to RF
- Maintenance Day postponed (refrigerator work postponed)
- Josh and Scott make rapid access to check on helium bag pressure
- ~1.5B triggers
Shift Reports
- AC Beam Position Variation (from yesterday)
- Main trigger yield increase [1], [2], [3]
- 5C11 Y-position lock turned on ~13:30[4]
- Coherent peak amplitude lower
- Production running on empty target until Thursday
- ESR work today with "moderate" risk to ESR service disruption
- Thursday morning, TAC run starting ~9am (7-8 hours, assuming stable beam)
- RF Recovery for 4hrs on Friday to prepare for weekend
Tuesday August 2
Past 24 hours
- Beam studies for Hall-C ~2hrs(=5+hrs)
- Empty target inserted
- FCAL base replacement
- Solenoid trip shortly after 16:00 [5],[6],[7],[8]
- Back to Pb target in preparation for FCAL pi0 calibration run while magnet ramps
- Beam returns ~2am
- Harp scans
- ~1.3B triggers
Shift Reports
- Beam instabilities (seems better)
- Increased trigger rate Friday?
- Switch to empty target now
- Maintenance Day Wed. starting ~6:30am
- TAC run Thursday?
Monday August 1
Past 72 hours
- Fri: ~3.9B triggers
- Sat: ~3.0B triggers
- Sun: >2.5B triggers
- Half-wave plate moved out on Sunday afternoon
- RootSpy issues and here
- Counting house not host of zoom meeting log entry
- Gas shed key missing
Shift Reports
- Switch to empty target during accelerator down time (>=2hr)
- Production running on empty target for 1.5 days
Sunday July 31
Shift Reports
Saturday July 30
Shift Reports
Friday July 29
Past 24 hours
- Thanks Rory for previous RC shift
- Beam studies during Day shift
- Mark D.: Safety walk-through
- Beni: CTOF repair, Mark: gain equalization
- Mark+Malte: FCAL repairs
- Beam returned ~16:30
- ~2.0B triggers
Shift Reports
- Long mode run 1/2 hour
- Production running on Pb through weekend
- No meetings over weekend
Thursday July 28
Past 24 hours
- Beam returned ~ noon
- Harp scans
- Production data taking ~ 13:30
- ~2.9B triggers
Shift Reports
- Beam Studies today
- Hall-D Walk through - Mark D.
- CTOF PMT Repair - Beni Z.
- Production running on Pb when beam returns