Sep 13, 2011 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST'
- ESNET (Number is 8542553) and EVO session (GlueX Calorimetry meeting room)
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6337; JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
- Regina Phone: in LB228 is 306-585-4204
- Phone connection only upon request.
- +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
- +1-303-248-0285 : International
- then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
- or (and code without the #)
Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
- Monitoring
Athens and UofR needs for light guides from Chile and whether the new or old dimensions can be used.See e-mail from Zisis
- Beam test
- Zisis will start a list of goals and requirements for the Bcal test.
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Monitoring
- Construction Status: mechanical, bases (notes from Matt)
- Construction Status: builds, fibre QA
- Simulations/Reconstruction
- Beam tests in Hall B (fall 2011) (Kei)
- Discussions of presentations at GlueX-Collaboration-Sep-2011
- Any other business
Attending:Matt, Kei (IU); Zisis, Andrei (UofR); Elton, David, Beni, Tim, Eugene (Jlab); Will (USM)
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Monitoring
- Construction Status: mechanical, bases (notes from Matt)
- No major updates.
- Updates to Cockcroft Walton base firmware
- Waiting for first shipment of parts for bases
- Support frame moving along in the shop
- Getting fixtures for gluing pmts to guides.
- Mu-metal shield tested at JLab ok. Can go ahead with putting out RFQ for the shields
- Construction Status: mechanical, bases (notes from Matt)
- Construction Status: builds
- construction proceeding smoothly
- stopped matrix building to check fiber performance of latest batch (see next section). First work stoppage since Dec of 2009. Work resuming this morning.
- Module 47 layer 60, module 48 layer 43. Should complete by the end of Sept.
- Will soon get an update on the machining of the last modules, including the keystone.
- Fibers, fibre QA
- Kuraray has informed us that the dye M60UK degraded performance, which was used for half of shipment 28 and all of 29. They have volunteered to remake the worst half of shipment 29. This has been accepted.
- The proposal is to use the fibers with this batch for the outer layers of module 29. They have higher light output, but somewhat more variation. Eugene suggested that uniformity was more important than light output. There have been no simulations to support the decision, but no strong feelings about either option. Zisis said that they would take the comments under advisement and make a final decision.
- The last fiber shipment (#29) is expected on Sep 27.
- Modules 43 and 44 were machined slightly undersized to compensate for growing tolerances.
- Tim: Will start putting the mockup together to exercise stacking next week. Based on final measurements, will propose adjusting machining dimensions of remaining modules. Note: Zisis will be at JLab on Sep 29 and 30 and we can discuss how to machine the final modules including the keystone.
- Light guides
- The responses to the JLab RFQ were received yesterday, including one from USM. They have hired Inaki full time for about a year, who will assist in mobilizing the light guide production, obtain more instrumentation. The project is now an official part of the grant, which allows them to direct more resources to it.
- Construction Status: builds
- Simulations/Reconstruction (David)
- New GlueX doc version. Has incorporated comments to date.
- The simulations will be rerun based on a new number for the light output. The original code used 75 photons/MeV/side. Andrei's latest estimates give 290photons/MeV/side, and assuming a 50% efficiency for light guide collection we get 145 photons/MeV/side.
- Beam tests in Hall B (fall 2011) (Kei)
- Has checked that there is sufficient room in the tagger alcove at the lowest electron energy setting (5% of E0). At that location there is about 130 cm between the floor and the cable tray.
- Also investigating the possibility of setting up the prototype on the hall floor downstream of the tagger, where 70% of E0 electrons can be used.
- Work continues to finalize the design setup, and then will start building.
- Hall B run schedule was obtained from Andi Sandorfi. There is 4 pass beam before Christmas, and 2, 3, 4 and 5 pass running after Christmas.
- Making the detector as compact as possible to see if the apparatus can fit downstream of the tagger box. Elton will check with Hall B if the white angle bar could be removed for installing the prototype.
- There is sufficient room in the alcove that calibrations can be accomplished, then moved downstream for measurements after Christmas.
- Zisis offered UofR manpower to help with beamtests. IU will review schedules and include this offer into their plans.
- Matt: another question is where to locate the trigger scintillator and determine which tagger counter it is in coincidence with.
- Discussions of presentations at GlueX-Collaboration-Sep-2011
- Suggested topics are: Updates (Fcal and Bcal), beamtest (Kei), SiPMs/Bcalreadout, Monitoring (Athens), segmentation (David). Comments and feedback to this list are welcome.
- Any other business