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(Field Gradient at Outer Edge of Bore)
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dBz/dr vs. z
dBz/dr vs. z (Gauss/cm)
dBr/dr vs. z
dBr/dr vs. z (Gauss/cm)
1/Bz * dBz/dr vs. z
1/Bz * dBz/dr vs. z (percent / cm)

Revision as of 17:26, 6 August 2013

Mapping of the GlueX solenoid magnetic field took place July 31, 2013 to Aug. 4, 2013. Files are located here:


Probe misalignment

If the field were perfectly symmetric then the radial component of the field along the axis of the magnet would be zero everywhere. If, however, the probe's axis were not perfectly aligned then there would be a systematic error in the measured values of Bz and Br. Assuming all of the measured Br values along the center line of the magnet are due to probe misalignment (which may not be a good assumption) then one can calculate this via arcsin(Br/Bz). This is plotted here as a function of z:

caption Taken at 1300A. From this, one can estimate that the probe misalignment was not more than 8 mrad. Based on this, a correction of cos(8 mrad) was applied to the other plots below.

Comparison to calculated field near coils

Near the coils is expected to be the region of greatest disagreement between calculation and measurement. Below are 2 plots showing a comparison of the absolute values of Bz and of their difference for calculated and measured. These were generated from the same map taken at I=1300A , R=32", and φ=135o

caption Absolute

caption Difference

φ dependence of field

The existence of holes in the iron of the magnet raise the possibility that the azimuthal symmetry of the field may be broken at a level that will require corrections in the data analysis. Lines were mapped parallel to the magnet axis at different φ locations to check the degree of this effect. Here are some plots showing comparisons of measured values at different φ locations. Each plot was at a different radius from magnet center and differences were taken relative to the measurements done at φ=90o.

caption R=0" (these should be identical since in principle the probe was centered on the magnet axis for all measurements)

caption R=12"

caption R=22"

caption R=32"

The relative difference in percent is shown in the following plots

caption R=0" (these should be identical since in principle the probe was centered on the magnet axis for all measurements)

caption R=12"

caption R=22"

caption R=32"

Field Gradient at Outer Edge of Bore

After mapping finished, there was some question as to what the resolution of the probe position was in the radial direction. This is important when comparing two maps at different φ angles where symmetry says the maps should be identical. To estimate the effect on the map values themselves, gradients of the Poisson-calculated map at 1300A were taken. In particular, the values of dBz/dr and dBr/dr. The plots below show the results in Gauss/cm. A plot of 1/Bz*dBz/dr is also shown to give the percent change in Bz per cm change in R.

caption dBz/dr vs. z (Gauss/cm)

caption dBr/dr vs. z (Gauss/cm)

caption 1/Bz * dBz/dr vs. z (percent / cm)