Feb 17, 2011 SiPM Electrical and Cooling

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Revision as of 18:45, 11 February 2011 by Elton (Talk | contribs) (Action Items from previous meetings)

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Action Items from previous meetings

  1. Run his cooling model simulation for the situation when the electronics was turned off (Jim)
  2. Update Npe numbers on dynamic range table to include effect of attenuation length (Elton)
  3. Finalize drawings for defined parts and start ordering mechanical components (Chuck)
  4. FCheck whether additional electrical tech/design personnel is needed to assist on this project. (Fernando and Jack)

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Schedule, reporting, and manpower (Elton)
  3. First article testing (Carl and Yi)
  4. Mechanical cooling (Jim)
  5. Temperature compensation (Jack)
  6. Preamp-summing (Fernando)
  7. Discussion

